The Ordained Guardians of the Bond Organization in Echora | World Anvil
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The Ordained Guardians of the Bond

The Ordained Guardians of the Bond are the highest congregation of followers of the main deities in Echora. Their main sphere of influence spans across Valorden and the Alesian Empire.   First assembled upon a direct appeal by the Gods of Echora, the Ordained - as they are called in short - serve to strenghten the Bond between the divine and the world of Echora and to bring together the various cults of the gods of this plane as an organised faith. There are still members in the organisation who are the same that heard their deity's call many decades ago, but since then members have been replaced or seats added. The Gods add and fill positions on this council as they see fit based on current events.  

The Bond

Simply explained, the Bond is the perceptible connection between the world of Echora - including its people - and the deities of Echora. It is the highest purpose of the Guardians of the Bond to strenghten the ties to their gods while also working towards weakening the link to other powerful beings in the cosmos, as the Bond is not established uniquely between mortals and just the gods worshipped on Echora. Speculations have risen that one looming threat that may have lead to the formation of the Ordained, is indeed the kin of the gods, who had no part in shaping the world, now trsearching for and establishing bonds with disciples of their own.  

Positions and Objectives of the Ordained


Grandmaster/-mistress of Rites

Current Holder of position: Grandmistress Preyanii Loreldayn   The Ordained unite the cults of the various Gods with a specifically Valese view of religion. Traditionally, the Valese believed that exact wording of prayers and close observation of rites lie at the heart of faith. With this view, it is only by being willing to follow the gods instructions that the prayers of worshippers will be heeded and that the Bond can be strenghtened. Coincidentally, it was the Valese people who first brought forth priests, called votaries or votaresses because the importance they placed on rites and literacy posed the need to establish a clerical occupation to serve as specialists and professionals to represent their community in prayer. Opposed to this, the Rhodani people for example, placed great meaning on intention, personal faith and household cults with the matriarch or patriarch serving as votary remain still more prevalent. Moreover, the Rhodanes show devotion by service and good deeds, whereas in Valese view of faith even the greatest sacrifice means nothing without the proper rites to accompany it.   All of this serve to show that the position of Grandmaster or -mistress of rites is an important tool in unifiying the faiths across Echora, as the congtegation tries to place emphasis on the necessity of public prayers and the consequences of incorrectly performed acts of faith. Yet, not only the Rhodani but many others do not recognize the Ordained's authority in stipulating the proper ways of worship. The Guardians of the Bond stay firmly in their belief that it is only proper enactment of the rites that bring harmony and prosperity to Echora.  

Lady/Lord Vindicator

Current Holder of position: Lord Belros Bisveron   The Lady or Lord Vindicator leads the order of paladins that have volunteered themselves to serve the Ordained. They are proclaimed as the holiest of warriors and champions of the simple faithful folk. As the head of this Order the Lady or Lord Vindicator is personally responsible for its members, their recruitement and training. They need to combine the skills of a martially skilled strategic military leader and devoted servant of all the Echoran deities in one person.  

Keeper of the Conservatoy

Current Holder of position: Keeper Billial Thekka   The individual temples of the gods still stubbornly hold on to their various artifacts and relics, and many more remain lost to time, which makes the Conservatory the least successful branch of the Ordained so far. Nevertheless, the Keeper works tirelessly to convince the High Priests that strength lies in numbers and that the protection of these powerful items could best be provided with the Conservatory's ressources. It is currently unknown which items they are in possession of.  

High Steward/Stewardess of Temples

Current Holder of position: High Steward Grendon Kofra   The High Steward or Stewardess of Temples is the contact person for the temples to the Ordained Guardians of the Bond. They serve to help them in all kind of matters, like finances, establishing presence in various regions, recruitement and education of votaries and converting the people.  

Grand Augur

Current Holder of position: Avigerō   Augury and divination are important aspects of religion on Echora. Most larger temples of deities house an augur to interpret the gods speech and each deity favours a head augur in one of its followers. The Grand Augur presides over the council of head augurs, which on initiative of the Guardians of the Bond has taken up convening in a regular frequency.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Ordained

Cover image: by Artbreeder


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