High King of the Dwarves Rank/Title in Echora | World Anvil
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High King of the Dwarves

The title of High King of the Dwarves is given to the the ruler of the most powerful dwarven stronghold, which is currently Dol Cadarn, as it has been for centuries. The title signifies rulership over all the dwarven domains, including all kingdoms and other settlements, and grants the ancestral home of the respective High King suzerain status over the smaller kingdoms. Essentially, the title is more of a ceremonial nature, actual power is only exerted over the domain of which the High King is the rightful ruler.  


The line of High Kings ruling from Dol Cadran remains almost unbroken except for a handful of cases and reaches as far back as records allow research. It is believed the title did originate in an attempt to present an unified front in dealings with foreign rulers. Having the most powerful of the kings represent the entirety of the dwarven kingdoms ensured a strong image as conferences with foreign dignitaries would be held in the respective stronghold as a logical consequence, and as such the peak of dwarven might would be shown to foreigners.  


Apart from its uses of image and representation the title has internal functions as well and is important for the understanding of cohesion between the dwarven domains. Their territories often lie far apart and have trouble communicating, thus a symbolic unification helps in keeping a perceived relation to each other. Further the title comes with a great deal of mythical weight, and various legends are attached to High Kings of the past and their heroic deeds.  


Due to the distance between the lesser kingdoms the effective control the High King has over those that are not his own ancestral home is very limited, although it has varied over the centuries. Politically, the dwarven domains have never been ruled and governed as an unified empire. The High King is rather regarded as a suzerain who receives tribute from the independent kings beneath him. Those lesser kings exert direct rule within the bounds of their domain just as the High King does for his own. Each king remains responsible for governing their domains according to the laws their own popular assembly sets.  


It is presumed, that the first dwarven High King was a historical person, although a highly mysticised one. Little is known about his life including which of the dwarven domains he would have ruled over. In contrast to this the lives and paths of his sons and grandsons are well documented in scriptures. While it is known these sons shared a common father who was the first High King, it is unknown which legends about him are rooted in factual knowledge and true events, and which are purely mythical stories.   The legend of this first High King of the Dwarves gives the title almost a sacred character. Is it said, the first High King had to prove his worth to a goddess of the lands, a sort of goddess of sovereignity, only gaining the right to claim the title when the goddess had verified he was pure of heart and lived according to her decrees. He was then appointed to represent the goddess' will and her lands among mortals and to enforce her prerogatives while in turn receiving guidance from her.
Although shrouded in legends some of these views remain to this day. For example if a High King is deemed unfit to represent the dwarven race due to questioned lineage, having a unethical lifestyle, or not being whole of body or mind the title of High King could be revoked. This stands in contrast to the kingship of a single domain that can never be taken away when the rightful owner is neither dead or missing.
Nobility, Hereditary
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His Greatness
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