Protector Species in Echoes of the Cosmos | World Anvil
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A protector showcasing their retractable wings and their arm cannon.


The protectors are a synthetic species native to the planet known as The Sacred Garden . While they were once a genocidal power known as The Reckoning that intended to destroy all biological life in the Founder Galaxy, the protectors have been a peaceful species for over 900,000 years that enjoys the company of both synthetic and organic life.


As they were originally created as war robots by their avian creators, protectors are built for battle. Their bodies are made out of a sturdy steel-titanium alloy, with flexible joints created from carbon nanotubes. They possess two large, fully retractable wings that allow flight as long as the protector is not weighed down. The lower half of a protector's right arm can transform into a functional cannon, capable of firing small rounds of plasma.   When manufactured, protectors are naturally gray and black with parts of their wings and their visual array glowing orange. The metal pieces of a protector are designed to be very easy to be painted after creation to allow protectors to customize their appearances. The glowing parts of their bodies can also be changed to glow different colors.   While protectors are fairly heavy compared to organic life of the same size, they are lightweight for synthetic life. Their flexible and simple feet allow protectors to move easily even if they are weighed down by other objects.


While they can recieve energy through electrical wires, protectors are designed to consume and process organic matter and water in a way similar to most organic species. Most protectors have little difference in the food they eat, but do prefer to eat food instead of charging. While charging can provide energy for metabolic needs, a protector who does not eat food will eventually die from malnutrition, as their bodies need ions and organic molecules for reasons other than generating metabolic energy. In addition to eating and drinking, protectors also consume O2 and produce CO2. While this normally occurs through breathing, protectors can store large amounts of compressed oxygen in their bodies to survive in low ti now oxygen conditions.   Protectors are highly social and can thrive in nearly any social structure. Their dependency on food and water and their personalities mesh well with the majority of organic species in the galaxy, which has led to protectors living in nearly every part of the galaxy.   Protectors are produced almost exclusively on the Sacred Garden. They are constructed fully mature, but lack any experiences outside of basic instincts. Newly-created protectors are adopted by a parent figure who teaches them everything they need to know to survive the galaxy over a period of two years. The new protector normally moves away to be independent after these two years, but normally remains in contact with their parent and maintains a good relationship with them. While these parent figures are usually other protectors, other species can adopt a protector if they are approved to do so by the imperial government.

(META) Playing a Protector:

  As a person with free will, your character can act and think in any way you want them to. If you want them to follow the norm for a protector, take the following into consideration:   -Protectors have refined themselves over hundreds of thousands of years to think and act like organic life. While this means that they easily fit in with most organic species, some protectors do not fit in with other synthetic species.   -Protectors do not have facial expressions. They convey their emotions by changing the brightness and color of the center of their visual array.   -Protector architecture assumes the inhabitants can fly and often has sharp drops and cliffs. Protectors are often used to this and may have to help other species traverse the terrain in their cities.


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