Urab-Gun-Durr Character in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Urab-Gun-Durr (Ooh-rab gun dure)

Urab-Gun-Durr is the gentle-hearted half-orc proprietter and primary tattoo artist of The Inkwell in Mantlemine's Key District. He is known as the most skilled tattoo artist in the Ruthorian Empire, and is even versed in inkomancy (the art of creating magical tattoos). He claims he learned inkomancy from his master on the continent of Itoya.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Urab-Gun-Durr is very physically fit and is covered in tattoos that depict the many places and things he has seen across the world. His left arm depicts the beautiful eastern architecture of Itoya, and his right depicts a giant snake that coils up his body and onto his back. He has many other tattoos on almost every part of his body besides his face of the same vein.

Apparel & Accessories

Urab-Gun-Durr wears a light airy white tunic that is usually stained with ink. He also wears shorts to highlight his muscular legs and tattoos.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Urab-Gun-Durr has average intellect for a non-Ruthorian commoner, having not had any formal schooling besides the teachings of his master Astasai Yamako, a skilled inkomancer/tattoo artist from Itoya. Although Astasai taught Urab the art of tattoos, he didn't teach him much else.

Morality & Philosophy

Urab is known to dislike the violence and crimes of Mantlemine, which is why he built his business in the ruins of an old church dedicated to Erathis. He considered The Inkwell the only holy place within the mostly sacrilegious city, though this is contradicted by the fact that he indirectly perpetuates the cities gang violence through offering gang affiliation tattoos.
Lawful neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
1332 51 Years old
Current Residence
The northern transept in The Inkwell
Coiled black hair pulled into a ridged ponytail, slightly receding hairline
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green
168 lbs
Ruled Locations


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