Midgardian Ethnicity in Ebreon | World Anvil
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Midgardians are one of the four original ethnicities of humans. While few if any actual Midgardians exist today, their presence is still felt not only in that of their ancestors, but also of the ruins and artifacts their culture left behind. The older races, such as giants, elves, and dragons, may certainly know more about Midgardians and may have known a few when they were younger, though there are surely none alive any longer who remember a time when Midgardians were commonly found throughout Ebreon.   Midgardians have fair skin. Their hair is typically in the blonde range and eyes generally range from grey to blue to green. Midgardians are generally on the taller side for humans and value strength and honor very highly. A seafaring people, Midgardians typically lived in villages and were a tad nomadic compared to the other humans they shared the world of Ebreon with during their time. Because of this, Midgardian culture influenced much of the ancient world, with their presence felt throughout Koplesh, and into Edos and even Zikrath.   It was The North Sea, however, which came to feel like home to the Midgardians. Pre-disposed to a cooler climate and seemingly enticed by hardship, the frigid archipelago was perfect for them. The conditions were tough but predictable, much like the Midgardians themselves.   The Midgardians were skilled craftsmen. From axes to longships, they believed that it wasn't worth making something if one was to make it poorly. Their sense of honor and duty drove them to become renowned among the ancient world for their craftsmanship, second only to the dwarves. This may be the reason so many Midgardian artifacts and ruins have been preserved so well and survived to this day.
Diverged ethnicities


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