Mournland Organization in Eberron | World Anvil


Capital: None   Ruler: None Officially, The Lord of Blades   Government: None   Population: Unknown   Races: Warforged 98%, Other 2%   Religions Lord of Blades   Exports None   Languages Common

The Mourning

The nation of Cyre was once the heart of the kingdom of Galifar. The Last War took a heavy toll on Cyre and its citizens, as the nation became a primary battleground where the Five Nations crossed swords. But no one was prepared for the disaster that struck in 994 YK.   Accounts of the Mourning vary. Some say that a blinding light engulfed the battlefield near the Saerun Road. Others say that dead-gray mists rose in the capital city of Metrol and spread from there. Within the space of one day, the nation of Cyre had been engulfed in a wall of mist, and anything caught within the mists was horrifically transformed. Over a million Cyrans were killed on the day of Mourning. Those who survived were soldiers fighting in enemy territory, those living on the borders who were able to flee from the advancing mists, and those few who were able to escape the interior through magical means. On 20 Olarune 994 YK, the nation of Cyre ceased to exist.   The Mourning threw Khorvaire into a state of shock. Who could unleash such power? Was this a weapon, and if so, when would those responsible issues their demands? Were the borders of the lingering walls of mist stable, or could they expand at any moment? What was to be done with the Cyran refugees surging into every adjacent nation? Fear of the Mourning ended the war. But all those questions remain unanswered.   Breland opened its borders to refugees, and Prince Oargev serves as de facto ruler in the area now called New Cyre. Despite its grand name, New Cyre is little more than a vast refugee camp. Other refugees scattered across Khorvaire; some are treated with pity, others with suspicion or anger. And fear of the Mourning hangs like a shadow across Khorvaire. Could it happen again? Is this how the world ends?  

The Mournland

A wall of dead-gray mist surrounds the remnants of Cyre. Beyond the mists lies a land twisted by magic, a wound that will not heal. The blasted land is strangely transformed. In some places, the ground has fused into jagged glass. In others, it is cracked and burned. Broken bodies of soldiers from various sides litter the landscape—soldiers whose dead bodies refuse to decompose. The Mournland is a vast open grave.   In that horrific landscape, vile magical effects linger, and monsters mutate into even more foul and horrible creatures. Magical effects continue to rain upon the land as storms that never dissipate. Stories speak of living spells—war magic that has taken physical form, sentient fireballs and vile cloudkills that endlessly search for new victims. And angry ghosts continue to fight their final battles.   The only thing predictable about the Mournland is that nothing is predictable; any sort of monster or horror could lurk within its borders. And yet it also holds the wealth and treasures of an entire nation, along with the secrets of House Cannith and everything else that was left behind. It's dangerous. It's mysterious. But it's also a dungeon the size of a nation, with opportunities for those brave enough to enter the mists.   The Mourning and You In making an Eberron character, think about the impact the Mourning had on you. If you're from Cyre, did you lose all your family and friends? Are there heirlooms lost in the mists that you're determined to regain, or loved ones you hope to someday see again? Do you feel loyalty to your nation and hope to see it restored, or have you burned Cyre out of your heart?   Even if you're not from Cyre, the Mourning may have had a profound impact on you. Are you afraid that the Mourning could consume all of Khorvaire, or do you prefer not to dwell on such things? If you're religious, did the shocking tragedy of the Mourning cause you to question your faith, or did it reinforce it? If you're an artificer or a wizard, are you interested in studying its effects more closely. Might you even hope to unravel its mysteries yourself? Do you see it solely as a tragedy, or do you hope that this awesome power could somehow be harnessed?   Perhaps you were caught in the Mourning and survived the experience, but its effects remain with you. Consider the following aftereffects of your experience:   As a barbarian, you could have been a simple peasant caught in the Mourning. Everyone else in your community was killed, but their spirits were bound to you. Your barbarian rage represents you channeling these vengeful ghosts. Is there a way to lay these spirits to rest? Do they have unfinished business they want you to resolve?   As a sorcerer, your magical powers could be the result of your exposure to the Mourning. Were you physically transformed as well, or are your powers the only manifestation of the Mourning? Are you comfortable using your abilities, or are you afraid that you might be increasing the power of the Mourning with each spell you cast?   As a warlock, your patron could be interested in the Mourning and drive you to learn more about it. Your patron could even be part of the Mourning—perhaps a collective of spirits killed on the Day of Mourning, or a dark and enigmatic power that might have been responsible for this tragedy. If you take the latter approach, do you feel that by using your warlock magic you are serving the Mourning? Or do you believe that you siphon power from it and weaken it with your actions?   As a member of an unusual race, you could say that you are actually a creation of the Mourning. Perhaps your dragonborn was an actual dragon transformed on the day of Mourning. Or maybe your tiefling is touched by the dark power of the Mourning instead of by an infernal power.  

What Caused the Mourning?

  A DM running an Eberron campaign can decide the cause of the Mourning or leave it as a mystery that will never be solved. People in Eberron have many theories about the cause of the Mourning. It's up to the DM to decide if any of them are correct:   The Mourning was the result of a century of extensive use of war magic. If the nations continue to use this magic, the Mourning will expand. The dragonmarked House Cannith made a fortune selling magical weapons to all sides during the Last War. The Mourning was caused by research gone horribly awry. The secrets can be found in a Cannith research facility within the Mournland. If this knowledge could be recovered and refined, it could produce a terrifying weapon.   The Mourning was triggered by the release of an ancient demon overlord trapped since the dawn of time. This mighty fiend is lurking in the Mournland and building its power, but soon it will be ready to act.   A DM should consider whether the mystery of the Mourning can be solved and what the consequences would be. Right now, fear of the Mourning holds war at bay. If it's confirmed that the Mourning is no longer a threat—or if one nation manages to harness its power—war could begin again.    


  Столица: Нет   Население: 1000 [примерно] (98% Кованные. 2% дру¬гие)   Экспорт: Отсутствует   Языки: Общий   Когда-то Сайр светил ярче, чем любая из родственных ему стран в королевстве Галифар. Последняя Война на-несла тяжелый урон странам и их жителям, медленно раз¬рушая многие достижения, когда они стали театром бое¬вых действий для армий Каррната, Трейна и Бреландии. В конце концов, пришло несчастье. Никто не знает, была ли катастрофа вызвана оружием вражеской страны или уль¬тимативным оружием самого Сайра. Катаклизм мог быть совершен умышленно, а мог быть и случайностью. В лю¬бом случае результат один и тот же. Прекрасный Сайр, жемчужина среди многочисленных владений Галифара, разлетелся в клочья от взрыва волшебной энергии. Такого не происходило со времен разрушения Ксен'дрика за со¬рок тысяч лет до наших дней. В Траурный День 994 ГК, Сайр исчез. Теперь место, где когда-то был Сайр, носит другое, темное имя. Теперь это просто Земли Скорби.   Унылый серый туман держится на границах Земли Скорби, создавая барьер, который лишь изредка показы¬вает опустошение и разорение позади себя. Там, за тума¬ном, край со шрамами битв, до сих пор хранит страшную память о Последней Войне, укрытый вечными сумерками. Как рана, которую нельзя вылечить, эта земля разрушена и проклята. В некоторых местах земля спеклась до состо¬яния стекла. В других она просто разломана, выжжена и покрыта выбоинами. Разрозненные тела солдат с разных сторон еще больше усугубляют вид - мертвые тела этих солдат отказываются разлагаться. Земли Скорби это бук¬вально огромная открытая могила. В Землях Скорби раны войны не залечиваются, гнетут мерзкие волшебные эффекты, а монстры мутируют в еще более гадких и ужасных существ. Волшебные эффекты продолжают сочиться на землю как дождь волшебства, который никогда не иссякает. Искаженные неестествен¬ными силами этой области, местные монстры свиреп¬ствуют и охотятся в борьбе за выживание. Иногда даже мертвые, оживленные странными силами, исходящими от разрушенных земель, встают, чтобы продолжить сра¬жение в войне, которая давным-давно окончилась. В этой земле несчастья и мутаций харизматические кованные собирают последователей и хотят построить свою соб¬ственную империю.  


  Когда-то Сайр был известен своими прекрасными фа¬бричными товарами и замечательными произведениями искусства и ремесла. Богачи из Пяти Наций гордятся на¬личием в своих коллекциях одного или нескольких произ¬ведений искусства от мастеров Сайра. Дом Фиарлан осно¬вал свою штаб-квартиру в Сайре, и Гильдия Развлечений и Ремесленников была движущей силой в создании духа нации. (Ходят слухи, что Дом Фиарлан что-то знал о над¬вигающейся катастрофе, поскольку все члены правящей семьи уехали «по делам», когда наступил День Скорби). В настоящее время из Земель Скорби не выходит ниче¬го, кроме горя, страха и случайно найденных артефактов, оставшихся из прошлых дней.  


  Сайрийцы, не убитые в катастрофе, изменившей эту об¬ласть, убежали в безопасные места и теперь живут из-гнанниками в других землях. Некоторые разумные суще¬ства живут на границе уныло-серого тумана, и от старого общества в этих разрушенных землях не осталось никого. Тайная сила, уничтожившая страну, убила и большин¬ство живых существ, так что выживание там - почти не¬возможная задача. Теперь в этих землях бродят изменив¬шиеся монстры, охотящиеся друг на друга и поедающие сорняки и колючки, кроме которых из растительности ничего не выжило. Отряды мародеров храбро пробираются в Земли Скорби, ища объекты искусства и артефакты на продажу. Хотя Трейн и Бреландия пытаются пресечь такие операции в своих окрестностях, Каррнат поощряет такую деятель¬ность и предлагает заманчивую премию тем, кто находит дорогостоящие или могущественные изделия. В этом от¬ношении Каррнат и Новый Сайр (в Бреландии) соревну¬ются, желая узнать, что же произошло в День Скорби и спасти из руин все, что можно спасти. Независимые от¬ряды мародеров приходят в Земли Скорби из Талентских Равнин, Даргууна и Залива Кракен, в то время как отряды налетчиков Валенарских эльфов приходят сюда в поисках достойного вызова.     Если ходящие слухи истинны, одно общество хочет объ¬явить Земли Скорби своими. Это общество кованных, и возникло оно вокруг харизматичного и могущественного лидера кованных - Лорда Лезвий. Где-то за границей ту¬мана на разрушенных землях возвышается анклав Лорда Лезвий, как маяк, собирающий кованных, преданных больше своему механическому наследию, чем наследию живому. Примерно каждый месяц в Земли Скорби при¬ходит кованный в поисках этого рая понаслышке для жи¬вых механизмов. Некоторые истории описывают Лорда Лезвий как великого философа и учителя. Другие распи¬сывают его как военачальника и жаждущего власти про¬рока, желающего основать страну кованных, откуда мож¬но будет бросить вызов слабым расам с мягкой плотью, ради правления всем Кхорвайром.  


  Законы Земли Скорби обманчиво строги и относитель¬но просты: Вошедший в Земли Скорби, скорее всего, не выживет. Выживший изменится - физически, духовно и умственно. Природа здесь не хозяйка, она находится по ту сторону тумана. В Землях Скорби мертвые не разлага¬ются, и не всегда перестают двигаться. Какая-то сила или силы, выпущенные в День Скорби, продолжают изменять землю и созданий, что живут (и умирают) на ней, создавая чудовищ, ранее не виданных на Кхорвайре. (Природное лечение в Землях Скорби не функционирует, так же как заклинания и магические эффекты подшколы лечения).   Гнусные существа Земель Скорби выживают лишь становясь проворнее, сильнее, удачливее, и хитрее. Некоторые законы природы здесь изменены или попра¬ны, но первичный закон все еще действует - достойные и сильные выживают, а слабые, медленные, глупые и не¬удачливые умирают. Да к тому же даже смерть здесь не означает конец всему.   Лорд Лезвий утвердил хилое правительство, напоми¬нающее смесь теократии и военной диктатуры. Этот ко- ванный-провидец считает себя и религиозным и военным лидером. В этом лагере слово Лорда Лезвий - закон и ка¬нон. Кованный, пришедший к нему принимает эти прави¬ла или уничтожается - Лорд Лезвий никому не позволяет уходить.  


  В то время как некоторые влиятельные личности жи¬вут в Землях Скорби, некоторые сильные группы оста¬ются активными даже после катастрофы Дня Скорби. Из них только одна создала себе дом в этих заброшенных землях; другие приходят в Земли Скорби в поисках объектов, дающих им богатство, власть и влияние. Также ходят слухи об основании менее воинственного по¬селения кованных, но об этой общине извест¬но очень мало.   Сборщики Икара: Самый большой отряд мародеров, действующий в Землях Скорби, Сборщики Икара имеют передвижную базу действий, перемещающуюся по западному краю Реки Сайр, используя баржи для пере-сечения реки и наземные кареты на элемен- тальной тяге для пересечения пустошей Земель Скорби. Несмотря на их способности и профессиональную видимость, команда Икара жестока и смертоносна, не заботящая¬ся о жизни ни людей, ни кого бы то ни было. Икар Черный (ЗЗ мужчина полуорк, воин 6) возглавляет эту команду разбойников, от¬казавшихся от засад на торговых дорогах ради грабежа и расхищения остатков Земель Скорби. У Икара бессрочные контракты с Каррнатским правительством, Принцем Оаргевом из Нового Сайра и Орденом Изумрудного Когтя. Хотя он всегда продает что-то интересное Каррнату и Новому Сайру, лучшую добычу он приберегает для своих го-спод из Изумрудного Когтя. Икар и его банда, примерно из 12 отморозков, делает частые набеги на Земли Скорби, концентрируясь на руинах столицы и разрушенных земель во¬круг нее. Сейчас, после столкновения с ожив¬шим шаром огня, полу-орку нужно кем-то за¬менить четырех потерянных людей. Кхраальские Лорды: На юго-восто¬ке Даргууна в джунглях Кхраала скры¬вается злобная банда пиратов и маро¬деров. Возглавляемые жестоким Баало Одноглазым (ХЗ мужчина хобгоблин, варвар 4), Кхраальские Лорды терроризируют раз¬розненные общины гоблиноидов южного Даргууна. У банды есть два маленьких воен¬ных корабля, с Сайрской базы на реке Гхаал. Баало и его последователи используют ко¬рабли для набегов на суда, пересекающие Залив Кракен, хотя они избегают нападения на тех, кто лучше вооружен или больше по¬нимает в морском деле, чем они сами (надо сказать, что почти все корабли на их пути попадают под эту категорию). По этой при¬чине Кхраальские Лорды стали совершать мародерские набеги на Земли Скорби с юж-ного моря. Посредством нескольких связей за пределами Даргууна, Баало продает все най¬денные им реликты клерку Дома Денейт, об¬служивающим аванпост в Черепе Виверны. Клерк, наемник без кровных связей с Домом, платит третью часть стоимости реликта, а после продает его Принцу Оаргеву Нового Сайра, получая значительную выгоду. Лорд Лезвий: Кованный провидец, из¬вестный как Лорд Лезвий основал фунда¬мент для страны кованных в бесплодных просторах Земель Скорби. Никто точно не знает, откуда пришел Лорд Лезвий. И ни один посторонний не знает наверня¬ка, где находится мифический город жи¬вых механизмов. По некоторым историям Лорд Лезвий возглавлял армии кованных Сайра в Последней Войне. По другим рассказам он более мо¬лодой кованный, возможно последний, вышедший из кузниц Каннита до того как Тронхолдский Договор привел к их демонтажу. Одна сплетня описывает историю, как Лорд Лезвий вызвал разрушение Сайра, и предупреждает, что он планирует повторить День Скорби во всех Пяти Народах. Что бы ни было прав¬дой, кованный-мессия стал маяком для одной части кованных, и омерзительным выродком для другой ча¬сти. Лорд Лезвий (ЗЗ кованный-личность мужчина, воин 2/изобретатель 5/кованный джаггернаут 5 уровня) об-ладает фанатичным отрядом кованных последователей на своей стороне, внимающих его проповедям о пре-восходстве механизмов. Он проповедует апокалипси¬ческое видение будущего, где кованные уничтожат или поработят более слабые расы из плоти и крови. Лорд Лезвий постоянно повторяет "Мы созданы, чтобы пра-вить Эберроном, и придет день, когда кованные полу¬чат этот мир огнем и мечем!" Никто не знает, сколько кованных присоединилось к Лорду Лезвий. Хотя все в окружающих территориях верят, что опасный пророк существует, никто не может собрать больше информации о его деятельности. Даже эльфы Дома Фиарлан ничего не знают о Лорде Лезвий - да и в это Дом Теней не хочет ввязываться.


Боги покинули Землю Скорби. Однако последователи Лорда Лезвий считают своего лидера единым и ис-тинным пророком. Его послания предназначены толь¬ко для кованных, поскольку описывают построение страны живых механизмов среди земли Скорби, а за¬тем создать империю на плоти и крови обычных рас. Его последователи смотрят в будущее, в Обетованное Время, когда они, созданные быть рабами, будут пра¬вить своими бывшими хозяевами.


Города Сайра, когда-то великие и красивые, лежат в руинах по всем Землям Скорби. В них ничего нет за исключением копающихся в мусоре животных и хищ¬ных монстров.  

Метроль (Разрушенная столица)

  Этот величе¬ственный город когда-то был столицей Сайра. Теперь он лежит пустой вдоль реки Сайр, ожидая возвращения своего населения. Часть Метроля разлетелась в разные стороны, здания раскрошены теми самыми силами, что уничтожили страну. Другие части города спаслись, отделавшись поверхностными повреждениями; за ис¬ключением отсутствия людей и уныло-серого покрова тумана, он выглядит почти так же как до разрушения страны. Днем Метроль тих, но ночь приносит на ули¬цы павшей столицы какофонию хаоса и жестокости; по ночам здесь рыщут, вопят и стонут призрачные твари.   Мародеры, зачищающие Метроль от забытых бо¬гатств, описывают этих тварей как фигуры, смутно напоминающие людей, но без волос и с прозрачной кожей, которая вроде бы светится бледным внутрен¬ним светом. Некоторые считают, что эти твари - духи охранников, оставленные королевской семьей Сайра защищать город. Другие говорят, что это просто при¬видения мертвецов города. Однако большинству все равно, кто или что это. Они или избегают их, или пы¬таются уничтожить.   Строения в Метроле более-менее целы, включая королевские дворцы Вемишарда; великий Собор На Холме, посвященный Верховным Хозяевам; огромная станция молниевой дороги, когда-то служившей вы¬ходом на запад; и чудесная Арена Метроля, где толпу развлекали великолепными играми, выступлениями, празднованиями и соревнованиями.  

Эстон (разрушенный Маленький Город)

Этот населенный пункт, находящийся на западной грани¬це Сайра, использовался как база для операций Дома Каннит. Когда Сайр был уничтожен, патриарх Каннита и многие выдающиеся представители дома исчезли в катастрофе. С тех пор лидерство в доме разделено среди трех представителей семьи с высоким званием . Эстон понес большие разрушения, чем Метроль, с полностью разрушенными улицами и зданиями. Тем не менее, мародеры и другие охотники за удачей хра¬бро встречают опасности Земель Скорби, пытаясь до-стигнуть Эстона, чтобы найти что-нибудь удивитель¬ное, оставшееся от Каннит под камнями и руинами. Область вокруг разрушенного города стала землями всех видов мутировавших монстров и свободно паря-щих оживших заклинаний, созданных вследствие раз¬рушения Сайра. По этой причине достигнуть Эстона не просто. Наземное путешествие подвергает опасности от чудовищных обитателей этих земель. Подход из-за стены тумана с озера Арул тоже не лучший маршрут, поскольку мутировавшие твари захватили и воду, и прилегающие берега.


Земли Скорби - царство тайн и разрушения. Некоторые места описываются в легендах, уже складываемых о утраченном Сайре, но многие еще лежат в безвестно¬сти, сокрытые плащом уныло-серого тумана, окружа-ющего эти земли. Мертвенно-Серый туман: Чтобы не вызвало разру¬шение Сайра, оно создало стену тумана, распростра-нившегося до границ Земель Скорби во всех направле¬ниях. Покров из тумана выглядит как завеса, отделяя Земли Скорби от соседей. Густой и насыщенный на границе, туман возвышается примерно на 30 метров в небо и формирует купол, скрывающий разрушенное царство даже сверху. Сильные ветра иногда прорыва¬ют туман в некоторых местах, но они вскоре закры¬ваются. Вход в Земли Скорби через туман похож на вход в темный заглушенный район, лишенный жизни, солнца и звуков. В конечном счете, толстый туман про¬пускает в менее гнетущую дымку, но в зависимости от дня и местоположения, этот пограничный туман мо¬жет простираться от нескольких десятков метров до 8 километров. Путешественники в густом слое тума¬на страдают от клаустрофобии и быстро утомляются и впадают в уныние без видимой причины. В тумане легко заблудиться, и храбрецы, дерзнувшие вторгнуть¬ся в него, часто оканчивают жизнь ходя по нему кру¬гами, пока не кончатся еда и вода, или пока не встре¬тятся с кошмарными ужасами, рыщущим по границе. (Провалившие проверку Искусство Выживания про¬тив КС 20 дезориентируются и бредут в случайном на¬правлении 164 часов). Стеклянное плато: Одним из последствий катастро¬фы, уничтожившей Сайр стало создание высокогорно-го плато, сделанного из острых, конструкций, похожих на стекло. Общий вид плато гладкий и плоский, хотя над землей в случайных местах торчат зазубренные шипы и шпили. Центральная часть этой высокогор¬ной равнины сделана из обсидиана и иногда полыхает огненными цветами из темной глубины. Возле границ плато стекло становится светлее и более прозрачным, пока не становится почти белым на зазубренных уте¬сах, отделяющих эту вершину от окружающих низин. Ничто не растет на плато из стекла, и мало существ можно найти на его зазубренных пиках и плоских просторах. С другой стороны, ожившие заклинания, кажется, притягиваются этим местом; самая густая концентрация этих странных созданий находится на Стеклянном Плато и возле него. Ходят слухи, что в плато и под ним есть пещеры, где хранится истина о катастрофе в Сайре, ждущая, когда ее найдет кто-то достаточно сильный, храбрый и безрассудный, чтобы проникнуть так далеко в Земли Скорби. Поле Гибели: Последняя битва Последней Войны проходила в Сайре, на юго-запад от места, ныне из-вестного как Стеклянное Плато. Здесь столкнулись силы Трейна, Сайра, Бреландии и Даргууна в хаотич¬ной и эпической битве. Эти силы умерли в Траурный День, захваченные водоворотом тайного эффекта, уничтожившего всю страну. Останки той битвы все еще можно увидеть; Поле Гибели является достопри-мечательностью среди подобных мест во всех Землях Скорби; хотя бы из-за огромного количества войск, чьи тела заполняют это поле брани. Эти солдаты, умер¬шие четыре года назад, выглядят как в день смерти. Ни один не подает признаков гниения и разложения. Открытие раны зияют, плоть отказывается гнить и рас¬падаться, доспехи и оружие остаются сверкающими и не тронутыми ржавчиной. Многочисленная военная техника, осадные устройства, и другие орудия разру¬шения, принесенные противниками, стоят стражника¬ми над телами мертвых. Большинство посетителей Поля Гибели следуют при¬меру исследователей, нашедших это место, совершая молитву по всем, лежащим в этой не зарытой моги¬ле - Рыцари Трейна лежат рядом с Даргуунскими во¬инами. Бреландские лучники лежат среди ополчения Сайра. Они не нежить, но в то же время они неесте¬ственны. Какая-то сила хранит их от течения времени. Даже животные падальщики отказываются беспокоить их тела. Тлеющий Разлом: К северу от Стеклянного Плато в земле находится огромная трещина, испускающая холодный фиолетовый свет. Это сверхъестественное свечение исходит из таких глубин Тлеющего Разлома, что источник сверху разглядеть нельзя (и до сего дня ни один из спустившихся в Разлом не вернулся от¬туда живым). Мутировавшие монстры, бродящие по Землям Скорби вроде как притягиваются к этому ме¬сту, и некоторые считают, что фиолетовое свечение сы¬грало роль в их создании. Может быть, свечение, и не связано с появлением мутировавших монстров, но оно определенно на них воздействует. Те из них, кто про¬вел возле Тлеющего Разлома значительное время, из¬меняются еще больше, становясь более искаженными, и уродливыми чем они были до омывания в холодном фиолетовом свете. ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ В ЗЕМЛЯХ СКОРБИ Земли Скорби демонстрируют ужасы волшебной вой¬ны. Здесь мертвый, воздух, как в склепе. Ничего при-родного нет за пределами густого серого тумана на границах, и повсюду бродят ожившие заклинания. Выживание в Землях Скорби - не простая задача; здесь мало растений и животных, а те, что есть, испорчены и изменены в гадкую сторону. Даже вода здесь и рядом с Землями Скорби несет темную заразу, заразу, которая начала просачиваться в озеро Сайр, озеро Арул, и бли¬жайшие водоемы. Авантюристы скорее всего не най¬дут ни помощи ни припасов в Землях Скорби. Они за¬хотеть могут прийти сюда, чтобы ограбить руины или выполнить другую миссию, но все время, находясь здесь, они будут испытывать трудные времена. В са¬мом деле, время и природа как-то странно действуют в Землях Скорби, даже магия не будет гарантированно работать в этой окутанной туманом стране.


—Отряд авантюристов хочет найти и остановить мощного кованного солдата, все еще ведущего Последнюю Войну. Кованный или не знает или на¬плевать хотел на подписание мирного договора. Он следует последней команде, а это был поиск и уни¬чтожение всех врагов. Нападая из Земель Скорби, он нападает на цели в Каррнате, Талентской Равнине, Валенаре, Даргууне, Бреландии и Трейне, каждый раз возвращаясь в туман и планируя там следую¬щую атаку. Авантюристы должны выследить ко¬ванного до его логова и убедить его, что Последняя Война уничтожена; или уничтожить его, пока он не напал снова. —Барон Меррикс из Дома Каннит нанимает авантю¬ристов для путешествия в разрушенный город Эстон в поисках артефакта, хранящегося в доме анклава, а ныне закопанного где-то там. —Мутировавший булитт огромного размера пришел из Земель Скорби, пожирает стада и угрожает по¬селениям востока Бреландии. —Принц Оаргев из Нового Сайра дарует отряду при- ключенцев карту, ведущую к тайному сооружению рядом с Тлеющим Разломом. В этой волшебной башне сайрского наследника ждут могущественные книги. Оаргев хочет, чтобы авантюристы вернули их для него и принесли в Новый Сайр. —Знатная женщина просит авантюристов отправить¬ся на Поля Гибели в поисках ее сына. Он был капи¬таном в армии Трейна, и она хочет, чтобы его тело вернулось в Трейн и было подобающим образом за¬хоронено. —Карета молниевой дороги не завершила свой путь через Сайр в День Скорби. Дом Ориен нуждается в авантюристах, желающих пройти по пути камней- проводников, найти потерянные вагоны, вернуть почти бесценные художественные работы Сайра, находящиеся в багажном отсеке, и окончить таким образом затянувшуюся доставку. —Халфлинги из Талентских Равнин обеспокоены странным свечением вдалеке над озером Сайр. Старейшины племен считают, что свечение связано с Землями Скорби и может нести опасность народу равнин, и они ищут авантюристов, которые прове¬рили бы его.     Once, Cyre shone more brightly than any of its sibling nations in the kingdom of Galifar. It was the center of the kingdom's wealth, a monument to its artistic and arcane achievements, and the site of great centers of learning where preeminent masters of magic, architecture, and artifice taught at the forefront of their craft. It was also the home of House Cannith and its massive foundries: some of them built on mountains or in mountains, some gracefully spanning canyons, and others erected in vast labyrinths deep underground.   Today, this region is a festering wound across Khorvaire. A wall of mist surrounds a land twisted into strange and terrible shapes. Cyre was once called the Jewel of Galifar. Now it is the Mournland.   The Mourning No one knows the reason for what happened on 20 Olarune 994 YK. Though it had been battered, Cyre stood defiant; Cyran soldiers had recently driven deep into Karrnathi territory and were holding their lines against the combined forces of Breland and Thrane.   And then it all came to an end.   Some say that the dead-gray mist began in Metrol, initially flowing out of the royal palaces of Vermishard. Others swear that the disaster began in the Cannith stronghold of Making. All that is known is that the mist swiftly spread across the kingdom, transforming the lands and creatures caught within it. Over a million people died in the Mourning, including nearly all of the inhabitants of central Cyre. The mist slowed its advance as it spread, and some of those in the borderlands heard of the disaster in time to flee. Others survived because they were already beyond the borders of Cyre; the mist stopped mere feet away from the camps of Cyran soldiers holding sections of the Brelish front. And though the vast majority of people caught in the Mourning died, thousands did survive. Most have no clear memory of the event, and there's no explanation for why they were spared. The superstitious say that these people are cursed, that anyone touched by the Mourning is now an agent of darkness. (See the book's introduction for further details on how the Mourning might have affected characters.)   In the days immediately following the Mourning, many assumed that the mist would continue to spread. Intense panic slowly turned to curiosity as it became clear that the border had stabilized. Over the last four years, people have ventured into the mist for many reasons. Some sought to plunder the abandoned treasures of the richest nation in Galifar. Others hoped to find lost loved ones, or some explanation for the disaster. Few of these explorers have returned, and those survivors all tell tales of a land twisted in unpredictable and inexplicable ways.    

Mournland Environment

The arcane energies that caused the Day of Mourning and that linger in the remains of Cyre are mysterious and unpredictable, so they can be the cause of any bizarre magical effect you want to bring to bear in your game.   The Korranberg Chronicle—     As if the difficulties of navigation weren't bad enough, explorers must bring their own provisions into the Mournland, unless they want to risk the danger of ingesting tainted food and water.  

Terrain Features

The Day of Mourning redefined the geography of Cyre. The cataclysm raised land, swallowed lakes, and moved whole cities. In some areas, the earth has been torn and gouged as if by some colossal beast. In others, it has become iridescent glass or semiliquid sludge. Trees in one place turned to crystalline onyx; the flowers in another place begin eerily buzzing when touched by a breeze. Nothing in the Mournland is as it was; the entire land is a scar left by the catastrophe of the Mourning. Maps of Cyre from before the Day of Mourning are of limited use nowadays. The land beyond the gray mist has been twisted and warped, and distances seem to expand and shrink even as one treks across the wastes. As a result, any Wisdom (Survival) check or any check using navigator's tools made to negotiate the Mournland is made with disadvantage. Mist Wall. The borders of the Mournland are defined by a wall of thick, gray mist that rises thousands of feet into the air and forms a canopy that hides the ruined realm even from above. The area covered by the mist is a shadowy, muffled region devoid of life, sunlight, and sound. The wall of mist ranges in thickness from a few hundred feet to as much as five miles. Travelers who linger in the mist suffer a growing sense of claustrophobia and despair. It's easy to get lost in the impenetrable fog, and some travelers have wandered in circles, unable to find their way either through the mist or back outside it, until their food or water ran out or they blundered into the path of some mutated terror. The DC for Wisdom (Survival) checks to avoid getting lost in the mists is 15. (See "Becoming Lost" in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.)   Patches of mist and less oppressive fog dot the interior of the Mournland, but the worst effects of the mist are confined to the border region.   Glowing Chasm. The northern part of the Mournland is dominated by a great crack in the ground that emits a cold purple light. This supernatural glow emanates from deep within the Glowing Chasm, so far beneath the surface that its source hasn't been identified. The mutated monsters that roam the Mournland seem drawn to this location, and those that spend any significant time near the Glowing Chasm mutate further, becoming more twisted and misshapen than before. Crimson Water. Before the Mourning, a spring in the eastern part of Cyre fed the Rushing River as it traced a short but fertile path south to Kraken Bay. The bed of the Rushing River is now as dry and barren as the rest of the Mournland, and the location of the spring is marked by the Crimson Water, a stagnant lake of blood-colored liquid. The shores of the Crimson Water are littered with the remains of animals and travelers that have strayed into the Mournland and sought to slake their thirst with a drink from the lake. At the lake bottom is the ruined town of Eastwood Springs, which once served as a resort for the leisure classes of Cyre. As yet, no one has been brave or foolish enough to search for lost treasures in the depths of the Crimson Water.   Unusual Locations. At places smaller in scale than the major features described above, explorers in the Mournland might encounter any kind of terrain feature with bizarre magical properties. The Unusual Locations table offers some ideas.   Unusual Locations d6 Location 1 A pool of glowing water sits in the middle of a ruined and abandoned village. Anyone who looks into the water sees brief reflections of the long-dead villagers going about their lives in harmony and joy. 2 In the middle of the wreckage of a carnival stands a perfectly preserved carousel. If the carousel is ridden, the characters doing so see visions of Cyre as it was before the Last War. 3 All the trees and plants in a forest have been turned to objects of glossy white stone with blood-red flecks. 4 The battlefield before the characters contains no bodies, only the clothing and weapons of thousands of missing soldiers. 5 The broken bodies of soldiers lie scattered across a battlefield, refusing to decompose. 6 The characters find a fallen warforged colossus (described later in this section).

Creatures of the Mournland

Many creatures were slain outright by the Mourning. Others were mutated as the land was transformed. Sometimes the result was an entirely new life form; any previously unseen monster could appear as a spawn of the Mourning. Other creatures retained a semblance of their original physiology while taking on some sort of alteration. The Monstrous Mutations table has options for altering existing monsters to reflect this phenomenon.   Most warforged were unaffected by the Mourning, and the race as a whole seems immune to many of the lingering effects that plague the Mournland. As such, the warforged who follow the Lord of Blades constitute the closest thing to a humanoid society that can be found in the Mournland. Similarly, golems and other constructs were largely unaffected by the Mourning.   The Mourning had no effect on existing undead, and a large number of new undead came into being when the cataclysm occurred. Various spirits (such as ghosts and specters) linger near the places where they died, and the corpses that litter an abandoned battlefield might rise up to continue fighting whenever a living creature comes near. Some of these entities are similar to undead that might be encountered outside the Mournland, but others have alterations that are tied to the unusual manner of their deaths. You can use the Monstrous Mutations table to generate some details. Many of the mutations on this table might increase a creature's challenge rating by 1 or 2. Use the guidelines in chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide to determine whether its challenge rating should increase and by how much, or you can simply increase it by 1 or 2 as you see fit.   Many Mournland creatures have mutations that are purely cosmetic and don't change their stat blocks. For example, one might have eyes that look like gemstones or might display glowing patterns on its skin or fur.   Monstrous Mutations d6 Mutation 1 The creature has grown to an unusual size. You can either set its new size and alter its statistics using the guidelines in the Dungeon Master's Guide, or apply the enlarge effect of the enlarge/reduce spell to it. 2 The creature has developed magical camouflage. It gains proficiency in the Stealth skill, and it has the Chameleon Skin trait: it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide. 3 The creature's body has been infused with one kind of energy: acid, cold, fire, or lightning (your choice, or determine randomly). Its melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage of that type, and it has the Elemental Body trait: a creature that touches it or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) damage of that type. You can adjust these damage numbers to suit the creature's challenge rating. 4 The creature has the Magic Resistance trait: it has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. 5 The creature has a supernatural ability to heal its wounds. It has the Regeneration trait: it regains hit points at the start of its turn equal to the maximum value of one of its Hit Dice. If it takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the creature's next turn. (A particular creature might be susceptible to different damage types.) The creature dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate. 6 The creature has two heads. If it has a bite attack, it can use Multiattack as an action to make two bite attacks. (If it already has Multiattack, it adds a bite attack to its attack routine.) It also gains the Two Heads trait: it has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious. Magical Effects The catastrophe of the Mourning altered more than the landscape and living creatures. The devastation caused localized alterations in the way magic functions. In some places, magic barely functions, or certain magical functions are warped. In other places, spells persist past the instant of their casting and start behaving as if they were independent, living creatures.   A common misunderstanding about the Mournland is that healing spells refuse to work. The fact is that healing spells are impeded within the dead-gray mist, and occasionally in other areas, making it harder for someone to cast them effectively. Because so few expeditions make it far past the mist, the inability to heal is widely assumed to be a property of the Mournland as a whole.   The Environmental Effects table provides suggestions for weird magic that might pervade a small or large area of the Mournland. Effects might shift from day to day or even hour to hour.   Environmental Effects d8 Effect 1 Healing spells are impeded here. Any spell that restores hit points does so as if it were cast at a level one lower than the spell slot expended. A spell cast using a 1st-level slot restores no hit points. 2 A character who casts a spell must make a Constitution saving throw against the character's own spell save DC. On a failed save, the character takes psychic damage equal to the spell's level and gains one level of exhaustion. 3 Any Medium humanoid that dies in the area reanimates as a zombie at the start of its next turn. The zombie is under the DM's control. 4 The area is affected by a silence spell. 5 Each creature that enters the area is affected by an enlarge/reduce spell, with an equal chance for each effect. The effect lasts until the creature leaves the area. 6 The pull of gravity is lessened. Creatures can jump twice the normal distance in any direction, and everything effectively weighs half its actual weight. 7 All creatures are linked to every other creature in the area as if by the telepathy spell. 8 A creature that casts a spell of 1st level or higher in the area rolls on the Wild Magic Surge table in chapter 3 of the Player's Handbook.

Sites and Ruins

Of all the bizarre and horrific spectacles of the Mournland, perhaps the greatest tragedy is represented by the ruins of the once-glittering cities of Cyre. Some have been reduced to rubble, while others are eerily preserved, devoid of life but otherwise unharmed. In some of them, treasures left behind by the former inhabitants await discovery, and many people across Khorvaire are eager to get their hands on such spoils for a wide variety of reasons.  

Battlefields and the Field of Ruins

Cyre was the site of incessant battles during the Last War, from the first extended campaign—the siege of Eston in 895 YK—to the running battle on the Saerun Road that was cut short when the Mourning occurred. Battlefields across the Mournland, both ancient and recent, stand like open graves as evidence of the horrors of the war. In some places, armies that were fighting on the Day of Mourning became stone statues anchored in position. Others were crystallized or reduced to ash.   On the Field of Ruins—around the Saerun Road in the southwest part of the Mournland, where allied forces of Thrane and Breland battled an outnumbered Cyran army on the Day of Mourning—the fallen soldiers are preserved just as they fell, with no sign of rot or decay. Thousands upon thousands of corpses lie scattered across the field, facedown in the dirt or staring lifelessly at the gray sky. Even seasoned bands of treasure hunters are loath to enter the Field of Ruins.  


House Cannith was born in Eston, and the house's labors transformed the city into a place of wonders. Clockwork birds perched and sang in silvery trees covered in steel bark. Skycoaches carried smiths and magewrights from forge to forge, and an iridescent dome protected the city from storms and harsh winds. On the proving grounds of the Cannith creation forges, cadres of newborn warforged learned the combat skills that would prepare them for active duty.   Eston began as a successful mining settlement, extracting iron and rare ores from the nearby hills. Drawing on these resources, the Cannith artificers in Eston spent decades researching all sorts of artificial creatures, which eventually gave rise to the warforged.   Because of these wonders, Eston is an irresistible attraction for treasure hunters hoping to access the vaults of House Cannith. Reports suggest, however, that it has become a strange and deadly place. It's said that the city is overrun by living spells. In addition to the remnants of damaging spells (see "Living Spells" in chapter 6), there are stranger phenomena: living continual flames that crawl along the streets, cling to lampposts, and flee from strangers, and living scrying spells that shift and shimmer, displaying distant scenes on their amorphous skin.   Eston was renowned for its clockwork menagerie and its steel gardens, a showcase that chronicles House Cannith's centuries of work developing constructs and homunculi. These creatures have been twisted by the Mourning and have become deadly monsters. Stories tell of an enormous gorgon golem, of razor-winged swarms of silver songbirds, and many other equally strange things.   Making and the Glass Plateau Many people believe that the city of Making was at the epicenter of whatever caused the Mourning. The cataclysm reshaped the terrain around the city, creating the great highland formation known as the Glass Plateau.   The Glass Plateau is mostly smooth and flat, though jagged spikes and spires jut up from the ground in seemingly random places. The central portion of the highland plain is obsidian, and bursts of fiery light can sometimes be seen in its dark depths. Toward the edges of the plateau, the glass becomes lighter in color and more transparent, appearing almost pale white along the jagged cliffs at the edge. Nothing grows on the plain of glass, and few creatures haunt its jagged peaks and flat expanse.   The ruins of Making still peek through the obsidian flats of the Glass Plateau. Those who believe that the Mourning started here also expect that Making is where the mystery of its origin will be unraveled. A secret Cannith facility is supposed to lie in the city's subterranean depths.   Metrol This city was once the capital of Cyre. Now it lies empty, seemingly waiting along the Cyre River for its people to return. Parts of Metrol have been shattered, their buildings crushed and tumbled by whatever force destroyed the nation. Other portions of the city escaped with superficial damage; aside from the absence of people and the shroud of mist that hangs over the area, it looks much as it did before Cyre fell. The days in Metrol are quiet, but the nights bring a cacophony of chaos and violence to the streets—at night, misshapen monsters emerge from their lairs to prowl and wail as they hunt each other for food.     Metrol Mournland Villains Few people have reason to spend time anywhere near the Mournland. Among the exceptions are those who seek to plunder the riches of lost Cyre, such as Ikar's Salvage (described below). These treasure hunters are also the kind of people who make interesting villains, teaming up with adventurers one day and betraying them the next.   In addition to these salvagers, the Lord of Blades (described in more detail earlier in this chapter and in chapter 6) is a major force in the Mournland. The Mournland Villains table suggests other possible evil schemes and influences that might arise in connection with the Mournland.   Mournland Villains d6 Villain 1 The Lord of Blades maintains a detention center where experiments are performed on adventurers and scavengers that his forces capture in the Mournland. 2 The leader of a cult devoted to Belashyrra, the Lord of Eyes, uses daelkyr-made tentacles to tear out the eyes of victims and attaches them to members of the cult. 3 A powerful member of House Cannith hopes to find something in the Mournland that will guarantee the ascendancy of her branch of the house. 4 A Karrnathi bone knight (see chapter 6) wants to raise up an undead army from the corpses in the Mournland. 5 A rakshasa works to free a fiendish overlord trapped in a whirlwind of stone and sand somewhere in the Mournland. 6 A servant of the Lords of Dust maintains an extensive collection of severed heads and continues to draw on the knowledge in their brains. Adventures and Encounters In contrast to the salvagers and treasure hunters who undertake most of the expeditions to the Mournland, some individuals enter the churning mist with good intentions in mind. Most of these adventurers are displaced Cyrans or are hired by such people, ranging from common folk hoping to retrieve family heirlooms to servants of Prince Oargev, who hopes to recover the lost regalia of the Cyran crown.   Two of the dragonmarked houses, Orien and Cannith, also have vested interests in investigating the Mournland's ruins and often hire adventurers to pursue those interests. House Orien wants to restore the lightning rail line that crosses the Mournland, which would reconnect the western and eastern halves of Khorvaire. House Cannith wants to recover trade secrets, experimental artifacts, and magic items from the creation forges, foundries, and secret laboratories it lost on the Day of Mourning.   The Mournland Adventure Hooks table includes a range of potential opportunities that could lead a group of adventurers into the Mournland.   Mournland Adventure Hooks d6 Adventure Hook 1 A Gatekeeper druid wants a rock sample from the Glass Plateau. 2 A magewright from House Cannith wants the party to escort him to a warforged colossus. The magewright wants to retrieve the docent network from the colossus before an unscrupulous House Phiarlan operative does so. 3 On her deathbed, the visionary artist who designed the lightning rail station at Metrol reveals that she hid a treasure map within a lamp in her old office. 4 A wealthy eccentric asks the party to go into the Mournland and retrieve his most prized possession (a letter from a lover, a mechanical caterpillar, or anything else you devise) from his mansion. 5 A young Cyran paladin is morose because she was away from Cyre on a mission when the Day of Mourning occurred and never got to say goodbye to her family. She longs to retrieve her father's sword. 6 An elderly knight is strapping on his armor one last time so he can ride into the Mournland and die on the battlefield where his companions perished and "where I should have been." Encounters and Trinkets The Mournland is a dangerous place full of bizarre, inexplicable, and often localized magical effects—literally anything can happen in this place. The Mournland Encounters table and the Mournland Trinkets table offer just a glimpse of the weirdness that adventurers might come across in their travels into the ruins of Cyre.   Mournland Encounters d6 Encounter 1 The party meets flickering images of their future selves who are trying desperately to communicate, but their message is garbled. 2 The party encounters a revenant who was murdered by House Cannith assassins after she learned too much about the house's secret research. The characters can appease her by promising to help her get revenge. 3 A tiny kitten mews from inside a hollow log. Within a few hours after being freed, it grows into an adult displacer beast. 4 The apparition of a parent searches for their lost child. As soon as the two are reunited, parent and spirit child both vanish. 5 The mist congeals into the form of a long-lost love of one of the adventurers. The mist apparition (use the ghost stat block) wants the character to stay here forever. 6 The characters come across the skull of a buried warforged colossus. Mournland Trinkets d10 Trinket 1 The favorite childhood toy of one of the adventurers, floating in midair 2 A tin whistle that makes beautiful colors and patterns magically appear when it's played 3 A toy lightning rail car 4 A glass eye 5 A silver lapel pin of a finely detailed gorgon's head with ruby eyes 6 A monocle that can be used as a telescope 7 A six-inch-tall mechanical marmoset in need of minor repairs 8 A small medallion made of silver, depicting a tower with an eye at the top of it and other smaller eyes embedded in the sides 9 A cloak pin made of iron in the shape of two hammers joined by a semicircular haft 10 A wooden dinosaur toy that has movable legs  
    Once, Cyre shone more brightly than any of its sibling nations in the kingdom of Galifar. The Last War took a toll on the nation and its citizens, slowly toppling its many achievements as it became the battleground on which the armies of Karrnath and Thrane and Breland clashed. Finally, disaster struck. No one knows if the catastrophe was caused by a weapon from an enemy nation or a doomsday device of Cyre’s own design. The cataclysm may have been deliberate; it may have been an accident. In the end, the result was the same. Beautiful Cyre, jewel of Galifar’s vast holdings, exploded in a blast of arcane power the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the ruin of Xen’drik forty thousand years before. On the Day of Mourning in 994 YK, Cyre disappeared. Now the region that was once Cyre goes by a different, darker name. Now it is simply the Mournland.   A dead-gray mist hugs the borders of the Mournland, creating a barrier that only occasionally offers a glimpse of the desolation and devastation inside. Beyond the mist, this battle-scarred region remains a grim memory of the Last War, cloaked in perpetual twilight. Like a wound that will not heal, the land is broken and blasted. In some places the ground has fused into jagged glass. In others, it is cracked and burned and gouged. Broken bodies of soldiers from various sides litter the landscape—soldiers whose dead bodies refuse to decompose. The Mournland is, quite literally, a vast open grave.   In the Mournland, the wounds of war never heal, vile magical effects linger, and monsters mutate into even more foul and horrible creatures. Arcane effects continue to rain upon the land like magical storms that never dissipate. Misshapened by the unnatural forces resent across the region, monsters rage and hunt as they struggle to survive. Sometimes even some of the dead, animated by strange powers radiating from the blasted ground, rise up to continue fighting the war that has long since ended for the living. In this land of disaster and mutation, a charismatic warforged gathers followers to his side and seeks to build an empire of his own.


  The borders of the Mournland are easily distinguished by the dead gray mist that lingers across what were once the political borders of the nation. Why the mists hold in such a defined area is unknown. To the north the Mournland touches against the Cyre River coming off of Scions Sound and emptying into Lake Cyre on the Mournland's eastern border. The Brey River marks part of it's northwest boundary while its border with Breland is only marked by the hanging mist. Similarly in the goblin nation of Darguun the dead gray mist is a constant reminder of the border of the Mournland. To the south lies Kraken Bay and to the east the Blade Desert of Valenar.  


  The Cyrans who weren’t killed in the disaster that mutated the region fl ed to safer locales and now live as exiles in other lands. Few sentient beings live within the borders of the dead-gray mists, and no survivors of the old order can be found in this shattered realm. The arcane force that destroyed the nation killed most living things, so survival itself is a near-impossible struggle. Now mutated monsters roam the land, preying on each other and grazing on the stubborn thornweeds that alone seem to thrive in the blasted land.   Scavenger bands brave the Mournland, looking for art objects and artifacts to sell. Though Thrane and Breland attempt to keep such outlaws from operating out of their environs, Karrnath encourages this kind of activity and offers tempting bounties to those who recover items of worth or power. In this regard, Karrnath and New Cyre (in Breland) are in competition, for both groups want to discover what happened on the Day of Mourning and recover whatever can be saved from the wreckage. Independent scavenger bands also approach the Mournland from the Talenta Plains, Darguun, and Kraken Bay, while raiding parties of Valenar elves venture into the region in search of worthy challenges.   If the rumors are true, a society of sorts has claimed the Mournland as its own. This society of warforged has grown up around a charismatic and powerful warforged leader—the Lord of Blades. Somewhere within the border of dead-gray mist, the enclave of the Lord of Blades rises above the broken land as a beacon that gathers warforged who have dedicated themselves more to their construct heritage than to their living heritage. Every month or so, another warforged enters the Mournland in search of this supposed haven for living constructs. Some tales speak of the Lord of Blades as a great philosopher and teacher. Others paint him as a warlord and power-mad prophet seeking to establish a warforged nation from which to challenge the weaker, fleshbound races for supremacy of Khorvaire.  


  The gods have deserted the Mournland. However, the followers of the Lord of Blades see their leader as a prophet of sorts. His message is only to the warforged, since his scripture deals with building a nation of living constructs out of the Mournland and then carving an empire from the flesh and blood of the common races. His followers look forward to the Promised Time, when those created as slaves will rule over their former masters.  


  Once upon a time, Cyre was known for its fine manufactured goods and its remarkable arts and crafts. The wealthy throughout the Five Nations took pride in having one or more pieces from the master artists of Cyre in their collections. House Phiarlan made its headquarters in Cyre, where its Entertainers and Artisans Guild was a driving force in the creative spirit of the nation. (Rumors abound that House Phiarlan somehow knew that disaster was imminent, since all its leading family members were off on business when the Day of Mourning occurred.) Today, nothing comes out of the Mournland except for grief, terror, and the occasional scavenged artifact left over from better days.   Government and Politics The laws of the Mournland are deceptively harsh and relatively simple: Those who enter the Mournland probably won’t survive. Those who do survive will be changed—physically, spiritually, and mentally. Nature doesn’t work here the way it does outside the dead-gray mists. In the Mournland the dead don’t decompose, or necessarily even stop moving. Some force or forces unleashed on the Day of Mourning continue to mutate the land and the things that live (and die) there, creating monstrosities the likes of which have never before been seen on the continent of Khorvaire. (Natural healing does not occur in the Mournland, and spells and spell-like effects of the healing subschool do not work.)   The wretched creatures of the Mournland live by being smarter, stronger, luckier, or more cunning than those around them. Some laws of nature have been bent or broken here, but the ultimate law remains in effect—the fit and strong survive while the weak, slow, stupid, and unlucky die. Of course, even death might not be the end in this place.   The Lord of Blades maintains a lean government that resembles a cross between a theocracy and a military dictatorship. This warforged visionary sees himself as both a religious and military leader. In his camp, the word of the Lord of Blades is law and canon. The warforged that fl ock to his side accept his rule, or they are destroyed— the Lord of Blades allows no one to leave his movement.  

Power Groups


Ikar’s Salvage

  The largest band of scavengers operating in the Mournland, Ikar’s Salvage has a mobile base of operations that wanders the western edge of the Cyre River, using barges to cross the river and elemental-powered land carts to cross the Mournland wastes. Despite their capable and professional appearance, Ikar’s team is ruthless and deadly, without regard for life—human or otherwise.   Ikar the Black leads a team of rough-and-tumble outlaws who have abandoned the trade roads to rob and rape the remnants of the Mournland. Ikar has open-ended contracts with the Karrnathi government, Prince Oargev of New Cyre, and the Order of the Emerald Claw. Although he always remembers to sell something of interest to Karrnath and New Cyre, he saves the best of his loot for his masters in the Emerald Claw. Ikar and his band, which numbers about a dozen, make frequent runs into the Mournland, concentrating on the ruins of the capital city and the blasted land around it. Currently recovering from an encounter with a living fi reball, the half-orc needs to audition applicants to replace the four men he lost.  

The Khraal Lords

  A vicious band of pirates and marauders hides within the jungle of Khraal in southeastern Darguun. Led by the cruel Baalo One-Eye, the Khraal Lords terrorize the scattered goblinoid communities of southern Darguun. The band also possesses two small warships it recovered from a Cyran base on the Ghaal River. Now Baalo and his followers use the ships to raid vessels crossing Kraken Bay, though they avoid prey that is better armed or more sea-savvy than themselves (which includes most ships they come across). For this reason, the Khraal Lords have begun sending scavenging forays into the Mournland from the southern sea. With few connections outside Darguun, Baalo has been selling whatever relics he acquires to a House Deneith clerk who tends an outpost in Wyvernskull. The clerk, a hireling without blood ties to the house, pays a third of what the relics are worth and has been selling them, in turn, to Prince Oargev of New Cyre for a handsome profi t.  

The Lord of Blades

  The warforged visionary known as the Lord of Blades has established the foundation for a warforged nation in the barren reaches of the Mournland. No one is quite sure where the Lord of Blades came from, and no outsider knows exactly where his mythical city of living constructs might be located. Some tales claim that the Lord of Blades led the warforged armies of Cyre in the Last War. Others cast him as a newer warforged, perhaps the last to come out of the Cannith creation forges before the Thronehold Accords led to their dismantling. One black tale paints a story of how the Lord of Blades caused the destruction of Cyre, warning that he plans to repeat the Day of Mourning in each of the remaining Five Nations. Whatever the truth, the warforged messiah has become a beacon for a segment of the warforged population—and is considered an abomination by the rest.   The Lord of Blades has a fanatical band of warforged followers at his side, devotees who memorize his sermons advocating supremacy for constructs. He preaches an apocalyptic vision of a future where the warforged will destroy or enslave the weaker nations of fl esh and blood. “We were made to rule Eberron,” the Lord of Blades has declared over and over again, “and the day will come when the warforged will inherit the world by blade and blood!”   No one knows how many warforged have joined forces with the Lord of Blades. While most authorities throughout the surrounding regions believe that this dangerous prophet exists, no one has been able to gather much intelligence concerning his activities. Even the elves of House Phiarlan are in the dark about the Lord of Blades—and that’s not a place the House of Shadow likes to be.  


  Cyre was the jewel of Galifar's crown in the heyday of the Kingdom. Renowned for its fine arts and crafts and production goods nobles across the kingdom sought pieces of Cyran manufacture. The Entertainers Guild and Artisans Guild of House Phiarlan was headquartered in Cyre and spurred the creative forces of the nation. It was Mishann then scion of Cyre who was to be appointed ruler of Galifar after King Jarot's death.   The Last War devastated Cyre, even before the Day of Mourning. Having a central location to all of the Five Nations the landscape was soon scarred by the constant warfare that waged within its borders. Great cities came crumbling to their foundations and public works bore the scars of battle all around. The most devastating of course, was the Day of Mourning which instantaneously eliminated all forms of life within the borders of Cyre. The cause of the Day of Mourning is still unknown and the dead landscape of the Mournland is a testament to the cruelty of the Last War.  

Settlements and Features


Crimson Water (Tainted Lake)

  Before the Mourning, a spring in the eastern part of Cyre fed the Rushing River as it traced a short but fertile path south to Kraken Bay. The Rushing River is now as dry and barren as the rest of the Mournland, and the location of the spring is marked by the Crimson Water, a stagnant lake of blood-red water.   The shores of the Crimson Water are littered with the bones and corpses of animals and foolish travelers that have strayed into the Mournland and sought to slake their thirst with a drink from the lake. Its depths hold the ruined Cyran town of Eastwood Springs, which once served as a resort town for the leisured classes of Cyre. Even Ikar’s Salvage has not dared mount an expedition into the toxic waters to recover any treasures that may lie within the ruins, however.   Despite its toxic waters, however, the lake does support life—of a sort. Water archons, their elemental forms the same deep red as the Crimson Water, have been seen around the lake, particularly on the southern shore. Their purpose and origin are unknown, but their presence would seem to suggest a link to the Elemental Chaos somewhere in or beneath the Crimson Water.  

Eston (Ruined City)

  Eston, a successful mining settlement, once held the heart of House Cannith. Nearby hills fell into the city’s mines and numerous underground passages on the Day of Mourning, and the wracked earth shook Eston to the core. The ground swallowed whole areas of the city, leaving collapsed and ruined buildings all about.   Lost treasures of the Cannith holds still await the bold within Eston. House warehouses hold precious metals, including adamantine, from its mines. These stores make the city a prime site for looters, as well as for warforged serving the Lord of Blades. The warforged are even said to have reopened some of the mines. They and the monsters of the Mournland make sure few treasure hunters return from Eston.  

The Field of Ruins (Preserved Battlefield)

  Allied armies from Breland and Thrane—supported by mercenaries from Zilargo, Valenar, and Darguun— converged in this broad area to do battle with the Cyran army. Along the Saerun Road, they clashed in what might have been a decisive battle. As it turned out, this was the final major military event in the Last War. Soldiers on all sides—tens of thousands of them— died here in the Mourning. This haunted place is now the largest open grave in Eberron.   Not one item or corpse here shows any sign of decay or predation. The unwounded look as if they are sleeping, and weapons unmarred by time and weather shine in the Mournland’s eerie half-light. War machines and military encampments stand idle, silent except when the wind moans and the wood creaks.   A large cliff now divides what was once rolling plains. It breaks the Saerun Road, which continues east toward Making before disappearing on the Glass Plateau. Since the fighting was fiercest between units vying for control of the road, the bodies and hazards are also thickest along it.  

The Glass Plateau (Supernatural Highland)

  Making is surrounded by a nightmare tableland of flat, pale glass. Jagged formations like blown glass, sometimes enormous in size, jut up from the ground here and there. Obsidian makes up the central plateau, forming bladelike protrusions. Liquid glass and magma ooze around the edges of the highland, and fire flashes deep under the glass. Living spells seem drawn to or are birthed in this desolate wasteland.   Making: The ruins of Making still peek above the obsidian flats of the Glass Plateau. Those who suspect that the Mourning started here also believe that Making is where the mystery will be unraveled. Living spells and strange creatures gather in and around the city. Wild speculation asserts that a secret Cannith facility existed in the city’s subterranean depths.  

The Glowing Chasm (Supernatural Rift)

  Cold violet light illuminates the air and sky for miles around this gash in northern Cyre. The glow emanates from deep within the chasm, its source indiscernible from the canyon’s rim. Horrid monsters, some mutated beyond recognition, congregate about the chasm. The bruised luminescence continues to warp them if they stay for long.  

Metrol (Ruined Capital)

  The capital of Cyre, Metrol sprawls along the banks of the Cyre River. Parts of the city remain untouched while others are scrambled, buildings rearranged and whole city sections askew from their prewar locations. The royal palaces of Vermishard, as well as the lightning rail station and the city arena, are intact within Metrol. The Cathedral on the Hill, dedicated to the Sovereign Host, also still stands.   Gray mist hangs in Metrol—a mist that survivors from the city say first appeared within the royal palaces. The city is silent by day. Explorers who return from the place tell tales of unquiet spirits and worse emerging onto the streets at night, slaying any they find. Despite Metrol’s proximity to the border of the Mournland, only members of Ikar’s Salvage have had any luck looting the place. They aren’t talking about the hows and whys. The truth is that a secret order of magebred humanoids controls Metrol.  

Shaelas Tiraleth (Ruined Feyspire)

  The greatest of the seven feyspires, Shaelas Tiraleth stood in splendor in southeastern Cyre in the years when Thelanis drew near to Eberron and the curtain between worlds was parted. It shone above the lush green hills and the shining waters of Kraken Bay on the Day of Mourning, and its utter annihilation rocked the foundations of the other six eladrin cities and seems to have lodged them firmly in the world.   Many would love to explore the remains of the Court of the Silver Tree, as it was known, either to pillage its treasures or to explore its planar ties to the Feywild of Thelanis. However, no explorers have yet found their way to the spires and returned to boast of their triumph. Either the gleaming city was lost to the devastation of the Mourning, or it is haunted by perils so deadly that any who find it are slain.  

Tronish (Ruined City)

  Foulspawn, kuo-toas, and other aberrant creatures occupy this abandoned city, which was once a major stop on the lightning rail. The cityscape has been warped beyond recognition. Its inhabitants raid the Talenta Plains from their twisted homes in Tronish, or from holds near Lake Cyre or the Crimson Water.   The halflings of Gatherhold whisper that some nameless horror directs the activity in Tronish from the depths of one of those bodies of water. They note the weird lights that flash and glow in western Lake Cyre. Some say the presence of aberrant creatures proves that the destruction of Cyre came from Khyber and perhaps an imprisoned daelkyr, but the evidence is circumstantial at best.
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  • Mournland
  • Metrol
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