Shargon's Teeth Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil

Shargon's Teeth

Shargon's Teeth is the common name for the group of islands and reefs in the Straits of Shargon, separating Xen'drik from the continent of Khorvaire.


The threatening moniker is indicative of the very real danger that the passage represents and many ships have been lost due to the quick destructive storms and sharp reefs.


The other danger is the native tribes of sahuagin, many of whom are hostile to all sailing vessels passing through their territories. However, some sahuagin tribes are willing to serve as guides, and trade or negotiate with merchants passing through.


A few small isolated fishing villages have survived in these stormswept islands, providing bases of operations for trade with the local sahuagin tribes and waypoints for ships and sailors between Khorvaire and Xen'drik. The most notable of these villages is Korthos.



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