House Tharashk Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

House Tharashk

The Eberron dragonshard fields of the Shadow Marches are among the richest in Khorvaire, and House Tharashk makes most of its profit shipping shards to the interior of Khorvaire. This commerce has resulted in an alliance with House Lyrandar, since that house maintains the shipping lanes between Zarash’ak and other cities, much to House Orien’s disappointment.   In addition to Eberron dragonshards, a variety of rare herbs and plants grow in the depths of the marshes. Of interest to alchemists and wizards in Aundair and Zilargo, these resources have quickly become valuable as secondary exports.


House Tharashk is governed by a council named the Triumvirate which has only three members, each one a representative from the three major clans. The current three triumvirs are Daric d'Velderan, Khundar'aashta and Maagrim Torrn d'Tharashk.  

Droaam Contracts

  House Tharashk contracts monster races from Droaam to either be mercenaries or laborers. Contracted monsters are first evaluated to make sure they are able to communicate and be non violent towards other humanoids. They are then licensed and monitored by the Dragonne's Roar. Gnolls, ogres and minotaurs are fielded as mercenaries or laborers, while gargoyles and harpies are used as couriers, scouts and messengers. As a rule, House Tharashk only contracts monsters to clients with good credentials such as dragonmarked heirs. Mercenaries are more expensive than laborers as laborers will only fight when their own life is threatened. Services are restricted to one location such as a city, contracted monsters cannot be taken on journeys. The house makes profit through volume so monsters are often contracted in groups larger than twenty and for at least a month's work paid in advance.

Public Agenda

House Tharashk act as a proxy business for the Daughters of Sora Kell by negotiating trade with the rest of Khorvaire for them. Anyone wanting to contract the monster labourers or mercenaries of Droaam go through Tharashk in order to do so. House Deneith are in direct competition with Tharashk as they wish to wrestle the monster mercenaries out of their control. Though neither house admits to open conflict between each other, sabotage and secret operations occur often. House Tharashk makes a large amount of profit through prospecting and the sale of dragonshards. Additionally, many House Tharashk heirs become professional inquisitives and can be hired.


Around 1000 years ago the Mark of Finding made its first appearance on members of three Shadow Marches clans. The clans were the Torrns, The Velderans and the Aashtas. Word of master huntsmen from the Shadow Marches who possessed an unknown dragon mark soon spread throughout Khorvaire. In the late 600's YK a group of House Sivis Gnomes decided to go in search of this dragon mark and upon discovering the three clans they helped them form House Tharashk.   Though new to the civilized world of the Five Nations and the rest of Khorvaire, Tharashk found its purpose relatively fast and adapted well. Being master hunters wasn't enough to survive in this new world so upon learning of the high demand and value of Dragonshards, Tharashk decided to compete in trade and business. Dragonshard trade not only helped Tharashk earn its place in Khorvaire but created its wealth and influence. Despite this there are many who distrust Tharashk calling them "graybloods".

We are hunters in a world of tribex

Founding Date
498 YK
Consortium, Business
Related Ethnicities


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