Dor Maleer Organization in Eberron | World Anvil

Dor Maleer

Dor Maleer shares a border with the Tashana Tundra—a border that has been slowly shifting north over the centu­ries. Prior to the Sundering, Dor Maleer was a loose fed­eration of clans of many races, including Akiak dwarves, Qiku skinwalkers, and half-giants. During the Unification, the humans and skinwalkers of the region were absorbed into the Riedran alliance, but the dwarf population was virtu­ally exterminated in the Night of Razor Dreams.

Dor Maleer is the Riedran frontier, and its people are not as fanatical as their counterparts in any of the southern provinces. Maleeri are more tolerant of non-humans than most Riedrans, though dwarves typically receive an unfriendly reaction. Although they perform what agriculture they can in the harsh environment, the Maleeri are primarily hunters, and they respect such skills. Traditionally, anyone who brings meat to a Maleeri village is invited to stay and join in the meal.

Population: 390,000 (73% humans, 15% skinwalkers, 3% Chosen/Inspired, 2% lokumites, 3% ogres/ogre mages, 2% dwarves, 2% other).   Environments: Cold deserts, mountains, and plains.   Planar Elements: Wild zones linked to Dolurrh, Lamannia, and Risia.
Geopolitical, Province


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