Corvagura Organization in Eberron | World Anvil


A land of lush jungles and fertile plains, Corvagura is in many ways the heart of Riedra; it has the highest population density of any region in Sarlona, and both the capital city of Durat Tal and the primary port, Dar Jin, are located here. The people of Corvagura once served a tyrannical dynasty of sorcerer-kings, but the Inspired helped overthrow these dictators. In addition to having the highest population of the eight provinces, Corvagura also has the greatest number of monoliths (hanbalani), a fact that undoubtedly contributes to the fanatical loyalty of the inhabitants.

Many branches of the Unity are based in the bastions of Corvagura. A few of the other bastions are dedicated to research; noteworthy subjects include behavior modifi­cation, eugenics (specifically, the breeding of improved vessels for the Inspired), and planar theory.

Politically and in terms of population, Corvagura is the crown province of Riedra. The inhabitants are deeply devoted to the Inspired, and the bulk of Riedrans who are allowed to interact with foreigners—including most sailors and merchants—are Corvaguran.

Population: 5,400,000 (91% humans, 3% skinwalkers, 2% lokumites, 2% Chosen/Inspired, 1% ogres/ogre mages, 1% other)   Environments: Warm plains, marshes, and forests.   Planar Elements: Wild zones linked to Mabar, Lamannia, and Thelanis.
Geopolitical, Province
Controlled Territories


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