Aundairian Language in Eberron | World Anvil


Basically French
Common Phrases
Chatter ne roule pas le tonneau
Chattering doesn't roll the barrel (Shut up and get to work)
Des mains sales caressent une barbe blanche
Dirty hands stroke a white beard (As you get older, you may have to compromise your youthful ideals)
Avoir deux cordes pour votre arc
Have two strings for your bow(An expression of caution and preparation)
Sans vin il n'y a pas de conversation
Without wine there is no conversation (the phrase is spoken as a request for or promise of hospitality)
La luminosité soit!
Brightness be! (An expression of surprise)
Aundair ose! Aundair ose!
Aundair dares! Aundair dares! (A warcry and taunt popular among Aundairian soldiers during the Last War)
Common Female Names
Aafki, Agate, Baltia, Batrax, Beleth, Chantal, Fientia, Flerentia, Gwen, Hjeltia, Juliona, Levini, Margana, Marloes, Sanne, Sien, Tanneken, Vilina
Common Male Names
Ari, Bokk, Breyten, Daen, Dover, Erben, Fluin, Gavrin, Hagro, Herschem, Huys, Jurian, Kamiel, Killian, Kleris, Reng, Retief, Riaan, Saal, Sarelo, Sithov, Tak, Tyman, Urik


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