The Jaws of Siberys Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Jaws of Siberys

A constellation of eight stars that can be seen from the northern hemisphere of Eberron above the Rings of Siberys. The stars from roughly two sides of triangle with Eosphorus, the morning star, being the joining point. The stars of the lower jaw (from Eosphorus out) are known as Mandibula, Hureen, and Nial. The stars of the upper jaw (from Eosphorus out) are known as Canis, Tryel, L’aviu and Concordia. The ninth star of the Jaws was discovered in 872YK by Brelish Planisti Sigvald Humsyard from his advances inscrying optics and is located between Hureen and Nial in the Lower Jaw. Humsyard originally named the star Boranel after the Brelish King, but this name was rejected by the international planistar community for political reasons, instead assigning the name Novalux.   The mythology that this constellation is the open jaws of the primordial dragon Siberys is common though a number of cultures on different continents, suggesting an archaic orgin and common cultural link lost to history. Though all origin myths vary, often focusing on the telling nation’s race and ideology, common threads of Siberys choosing to die in a fixed position are common, looking down upon the still fighting Eberron and Khyber with his “eye”, Euosphorus, ever looking down on them.   The navigational importance of the morning star Eosphorus (also known as Vesper when it appears as the evening star) is widely recorded for as the point of the Jaws of Siberys it points 3.2 degrees off due north. Coupled with it being the first and last star in the night sky of Northen Eberron it has been used throughout history in early navigation, though now superseded by arcanical navigation. However its light is still of use to many lost unprepared in the darkness, and many arcanically dark missions during the Last War were purely enacted by this ancient direction.


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