Viscount Okeanos Tsitak Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Viscount Okeanos Tsitak

Viscount of Eastern Breland

Viscount Tsitak comes from a family of nobles, dating all the way back to the Mror Holds. His ancestors immigrated to Breland over 500 years ago, and lodged themselves firmly within Brelish politics. Throughout the war, Viscount Tsitak commanded the Starilaskur province of Eastern Breland, but once The Mourning struck, he became a strict proponent of the New Cyre settlement. Some guessed that it was because his ancestors themselves were immigrants that he was so inclined to help the refugees of the Mournland.   Viscount Tsitak is a rather vociferous personality, which was offputting to some, but very alluring to others. Whether one is with or against his particular temperament, one cannot deny that he has an exceptional way with words - a gift that has served him well as a Brelish politician. In addition, the people of New Cyre consider him as a hero, as he has secured them funding, resources, and housing after everything the Cyrans had owned was destroyed.


23 Therendor, 997 YK. Viscount Tsitak gives a speech on New Cyran refugees in order to garner support for the destitute town.
25 Vult, 997 YK. Viscount Tsitak gives a rousing public speech announcing that he has developed an aberrant dragonmark, and vows to research the stigma, history, and cause behind the strange mark. Since the War of the Mark in 500 BK, the Viscount is the first publicly known individual to have developed a mark.
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