Shiksu Character in Eberron | World Anvil


Little is known about Shiksu, besides the fact that she was a rich Sharn citizen living in an exquisite mansion in Upper Tavick's Landing. She lived up to the stereotype of the upper wards with a snobby attitude and overly ornate dress. She was called a lieutenant of the Harbingers of Aegis by the orc Bugby, one of its members. Whoever she is, or was, it is clear that whatever influence she wielded was rather significant.  

First Encountered

Session 6: Confronting Shiksu, 1/19/21
After hearing her name for days, the party finally managed to track her down on a lightning rail bound for Wroat, Breland. She was extremely proficient in the martial arts, but was unable to defeat the entire party at once. After being decapitated by Nayries, her head transformed into the likeness of a tiger, but the head was left behind by the party.


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