Sharn Inquisitive: Issue #9617 in Eberron | World Anvil

Sharn Inquisitive: Issue #9617

p. 1  
18 Zarantyr, 998 YK
  A horde of ghouls attacked the village of Olkhaan and killed scores of villagers. Augmenting the marauders' strength were numerous magical conflagrations known as living spells.   The attack began at dusk and continued throughout the night. By morning, the village had fallen, and most of its people lay dead. At first light, however, the marauders slipped back into the Dead-Gray Mists on the border of the Mournland.   Among the slain were local lord Orina ir'Ghalaro and the staff of a chapel devoted to the Church of the Silver Flame. Most of the survivors were villagers who had taken shelter in a forest to the west at the first sign of trouble.   The marauders included a massive construct known as a cadaver collector. The name seems to be something of a misnomer, however, since the construct doesn't limit its harvest to corpses. The origin, and purpose, of these cadaver collectors is still unclear. Morgrave University xenozoologist Sentry is researching the creature, but could provide no comment.   Rhennek ir'Tallon, the region's representative to Breland's Parliament, offered condolences to the families of the slain and promised that their deaths would be avenged. "I visited Olkhaan just last year for the apple harvest festival," ir'Tallon said, "and never have I seen a more pleasant hamlet. All our hearts go out to the families of those who lost their lives in this senseless attack."   But ir'Tallon did not stop with mere sympathy. He indicated that within the week he would bring a plan before Parliament to put more soldiers on Breland's border with the Mournland.   Periodic incursions from the Mournland are a fact of life in far eastern Breland, but survivors indicated that this attack was another matter entirely. "Once or twice a month, some nasty beast comes out of the mists -- a carcass crab or some other horrible creature," said guard captain Aorolo Roklins. "But this attack was far beyond the norm. The marauders were organized and completely ruthless. However, they didn't loot any valuables, and property damage was minor."  
  p. 2  
  It's now been nearly three weeks since the newly-blossoming Crypt Crew fought in Battle of Upper Dura. Long before this incursion, Droaam has been testing the patience of our valiant nation with its senseless and devastating attacks against our borders. Yet, in the wake of the calamitous Last War, King Boranel has continued his campaign of peace, choosing not to retaliate; but to send peaceful emissaries instead.   These peaceful emissaries never returned. Now, the Sharn Inquisitive has received word that rumors are spreading through Wroat, rumors that the king may be rethinking his policy of peace. Hellrick Nathrind, a Brelish Last War veteran, offered the following wisdom: "To hell with Droaam! Great old nation of beasts, it's time we treated 'em like it!"   Legislature has been circulating through the Sharn Council at an accelerated rate for more defenses around the city. The installation of upgraded ballistae, strengthened numbers of the Sharn Watch, and imports for House Deneith guards are amongst the proposed policy changes. Councilman Thurik Davandi, who represents Menthis Plateau, was available for comment: "The proposal for the new legislature is supported with an unprecedented unanimous vote. It seems their approval is inevitable, and is merely a question of when."   In the meantime, the Sixty Families of Sharn have offered their combined support. The Sixty Families is the exclusive collection of Sharn's wealthiest families, and have long been the economic and industrial backbone of our city. However, it seems there importance has merely grown in recent weeks. They have been instrumental in providing repairs for the damages done by the Battle, as well as providing primary funding for the new proposed legislature. In addition, they have begun an outreach program to help those in New Cyre and the lower wards who suffered from the Last War in light of the recent rumors.   Could we soon be finding ourselves in the midst of another war? Is Breland prepared for such a thing? When will this Droaam madness end? The Sharn Inquisitive will be there to find out!


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