Aundair Organization in Eberron | World Anvil


Where arcane meets agriculture

Fertile farmlands surround the grand cities of Aundair. The floating towers of Arcanix are the finest institute for mystical study in Khorvaire, and magic is deeply ingrained in Aundairian culture. The nation produces more magewrights and wandslingers than any other in Khorvaire.   From the nobles lounging in the towers of Fairhaven to the common folk working the vast vineyards of Bluevine, Aundairians value wit and wisdom. Aundairians prefer finesse to brute force and appreciate cunning wordplay and fine fashions. The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of Aundair, with a particular devotion to Aureon. However, the Church of the Silver Flame also maintains a devoted following-some might say overzealous.   Although Aundair is a small nation, its arcane superiority allowed it retain its dominion during the Last War. The people of Aundair know that knowledge is power, and they take pride in their nation's magical advancements. To ensure her nation's prosperity and dominance, Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn instituted the Arcane Initiative, an aggressive series of programs intended to forward the development of mystical infrastructure and battle magic.


Aundairians are known for their somewhat arrogant attitudes. Although arrogance is hardly a trait unique in the Five Nations, the Aundarians learn at a young age the results of a strong will in competition with others. That is not to say that every Aundarian is stubborn, or thick-headed, but that they will not easily concede a point they believe to be right, and indeed public duels have become a staple of Aundarian society; so much that many Aundarians have adopted names for specific maneuvers and styles used in duels.


During the last war, Aundair spent most of its time in warfare against either Thrane or Karrnath, and the loss of the city of Thaliost to Thrane bristles Aundairian national pride to this day. During the Last War, the Eldeen Reaches seceded from Aundair, causing the nation to lose one half of its total area, along with one fifth of its population.


Like most nations of Khorvaire, the majority worship the Sovereign Host However, the zealouts of Aundair are unique, calling themselves Puritans. Puritans are far more fanatical than most other members of the Silver Flame. Aundair has held a resentment towards Thrane and the Silver Flame after spending many years at war with each other.

Hallmarks: Cheese, education, fashion, grains, wine, wizardry

Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Official State Religion

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