The Draconic Union Goverment Organization in EATTA | World Anvil
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The Draconic Union Goverment

The Draconic Union Government is the ruling government and is broken up into three branches.   The Directorate lead by the Director acts as the executive branch of the government. Members of the Directorate act as the Directors council and agents. The current Director is Teamper Nesrinn of the Evergreen Clan he is a blue dragonborn.   The Congress of Clans represents the clans interest. Each clan has 2 reps per clan and 1 rep per city town village with in a clan territory I the Congress of Cities. These city reps do not have any voting power but can petition their clans rep to vote in their favor.   The Commissariat is the judicial branch they are in charge of enforcing the laws and governing the national police force. It is important to note Towns and villages have sheriffs, cities have City Guard.   Commissars are agents of the Government and can be asked to do investigation on behest of any branch but mainly work for and report to the Commissariat.

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