Silver Thorns Organization in EATTA | World Anvil
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Silver Thorns

performerstheirnecessary to invest and promote the martial arts in order to protect its self, its member and artist and the art they create. Gladiators, stage fighters and others were now included and with this inclusion their named from the Silver Quill to the Silver thorn guild.    Since the end of the Age of Strife the Guild has maintained its reputation of protecting itself and the arts but has expanded this protection to those who supported the guild and the arts from shop keeps who sell art supplies to theater owners and rich patrons who donate to have an art wing added to a museum or art gallery.  In time the guild started to offer its protection services to the rich and famous of Bright More.    There are rumors however that the Silver Thorns have in times dealt in espionage, and crimes aimed at those who have opted to exploit their position in society or harm the arts in some way.
Guild, Assassins

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