Eashavar The Dal War

The Dal War

Military: Skirmish


The Dal War represented the tension which arose as the influence of the Dal'morai grew to overshadow that of Delos'Nordan within Everaldimor.

Over time, the Dal'morai began to ignore and protest Delos'Nordanian policies, especially after the failures of The Hillside Campaign. A minority of loyalist settlers and those uncertain about separation from the High Elven empire began to counter-resist the Dal'morai's orders, sometimes leading to open violence against the Druidic council.   The Dal War exploded with the Emerald Declaration, though at this point the Dal'morai had largely won the war of influence within the jungle as a result of increased distancing between the Forest Elves and Delos'Nordanian policies. The power struggle officially concluded with the end of The First Elven War.