Dal'morai Organization in Eashavar | World Anvil



The Dal'morai are a Druidic council which garners respect from all Forest Elves within Everaldimor (and, to a lesser extent, Farenai). When disagreements cannot be resolved, crimes cannot be punished by individuals, or a national crisis such as war develops, the Dal'morai have the final word. Their word travels to all Druids through the very leaves of the woods, and to go against it is to go against the forest itself.   Most Druids in Everaldimor are not a member of the Dal'morai, though they heed its words as if they were dictates. This is especially simple because the Dal'morai comments on very few issues and reserves its judgements for the most severe and uncontroversial of cases. Actual members of the Dal'morai are the most powerful of Druids, and there are exhaustive tests and challenges which must be overcome to declare membership. Furthermore, the Arch-Druids of the Dal'morai are singular, and they can only be replaced by stepping aside. Historically, Arch-Druids have stepped aside when a more prominent or powerful Druid rose through the Dal'morai's ranks.   The Dal'morai welcomes all Druidic Circles within its ranks. At any point, however, there are only five Arch-Druids, each representing a "cycle." These are the cycles of Twilight, Dawn, Daylight, Dusk, and Nightfall. They are not associated with a particular Circle, but they are most often occupied by Druids of a specific subset of circles associated with each cycle. Each Arch-Druid carries a fragment of the Dal'sakarokai, which can be used to call the Forest Elves to war in times of a crisis.  

The Cycle of Twilight

The Cycle of Twilight is associated with the Druids of the Grave. the grim "necromancers" of the jungle. In truth, these Druids are quite the opposite of necromancers: they exist to extinguish the undead from the world. Their means, however, often include the usage of necromancy and the magics of Shanor. They are always careful in the employment of such magic, and ensure any loose ends they create are swiftly tied. They also protect the forests' inanimate life, being tasked with protecting the Deepsprings and various holy cairns and other sites. The Druids of the Cycle of Twilight are respected by the Forest Elves, but that respect is often paired with fear. Their guise, which often includes painted skulls upon their faces and the wearing of bones, does not help. The Arch-Druid of Twilight is viewed as the expert on last rites and spiritual guidance for the dead.  

The Cycle of Dawn

The Cycle of Dawn represents Druidism which emphasizes caring for animal life. They are aggressive in defending the forests' lands and often patrol the borders, acting as the first deterrent against hostile trespassers. Most Druids in the Cycle of Dawn do not shapeshift (some do, though this is most often associated with the Cycle of Dusk instead, they prefer to have animal companions and care for the flocks in the domains through which they travel. Druids of the Dawn will refuse to wear anything made from harm to an animal; they mostly wear clothing made of leaves or plant matter, though they also often decorate themselves with shed animal parts such as antlers or scales.  

The Cycle of Daylight

The Cycle of Daylight is associated with Druidism that deals in plant life, healing, and peace. Alongside typical Druidic deities, they often follow Pyriel, and they are tasked with preserving harmony between all facets of the woodlands. The Daylight's Arch-Druid is often viewed as the "head" of the Dal'morai, and their judgement comes last in any decision, effectively making them the tie-breaker. Druids of the Daylight are identifiable by their vibrant colors, often including feathers, jewelry, and dyes from the forest's herbs. Their skin almost seems to glow with a radiant aura.  

The Cycle of Dusk

The Cycle of Dusk contains Druids who practice the Wild Ways. These Druids are proud shapeshifters and lycanthropes, and they have a general connection to Faenor and its faeries. Druids from the Cycle of Dusk often live highly naturalistic lives, even eschewing clothes and trinkets, though they sometimes decorate their bodies with natural pigmentation and wear the heads of animals about their heads. Less commonly, they may wear an animal's tail, paws, or fur to cover themselves. The Arch-Druid of Dusk is tasked with preserving the Forest Elves' natural traditions.  

The Cycle of Nightfall

The Cycle of Nightfall is for Druids who emphasize The Fabric Above. They are experts of dreams, divination, and the weather. In times of war, the Arch-Druid of Nightfall is tasked with piecing together the Dal'sakarokai and calling the forests to war. Most Druids of this Cycle are nocturnal, and during the day they often prefer to wear heavy robes which hide their faces from the light.