Hill-Wigs Ethnicity in Eashavar | World Anvil



The Hill-Wigs are a numerous Old Faith people, primarily inhabiting the western parts of Southmoor. They had a core role in beginning the nation's civil war, as their revolt ignited strife across the nation and enabled the chaos which led to its fall. They also exist in northern Montbay, but are vigorously repressed.   The Hill-Wigs have been at the forefront of tribal sovereignty since the early Age of Enlightenment; while other tribes integrated, capitulated, or allowed their traditions to fade, the Hill-Wigs resisted at every push. They have attempted to unite other tribes in their resistance, with limited success. Today, the Hill-Wigs worship a pantheon that primarily consists of the Ones Around, including Dzievana, Dazjbogh, and even Radagost. Dzievana in particular is patron of the Hill-Wigs' Wild-Witches, who are feared all across Pharos for their powers and deviancy.   Hill-Wigs have no modern state, but are largely autonomous in war-torn Southmoor. They have close relations with the Rhyders, and with Rhydien, where some refugees have moved to live their lives in peace.