Rhyders Ethnicity in Eashavar | World Anvil



In the western hills of Pharos lie the Rhyders, proud horse-riding nomads who've ruled over their own lands since the Age of Blood's beginning. Unruled and unconquered, the Rhyders roam free, hunt as they will, and engage in large communal celebrations as they please. Among each tribe of Rhyders stands a Horse-Marshal to guide the crowd, and above all stands the people's High Horse-Marshal. Presently Gravius Deonyc holds this title, though the position is liable to frequent passing, for long-term rule is not what the Rhyders desire.   The Rhyders are a friendly folk, so long as you bear them no ill will. They love to trade with visitors, and they're eager to aid those passing through should they happen to get lost. In Nothgard, they have even come to hold positions of power among the nobility as elite cavalry. They closely worship Rhacaul, the Horse-God, who watches over them and ensures their stables stay well-stocked. These days, most Rhyders follow other the Ones Above as well, though Rhacaul maintains a place close to their hearts.   More recently, some Rhyders have begun to settle and farm to aid in supporting their ever-growing population. Such positions are typically on rotation; a Rhyder may farm in the spring and harvest in the fall, but ride throughout the summer and winter, with a companion taking up the job next year. A real Rhyder, after all, belongs on horseback with the wind in their hair, hunting game and winning Herdbowl.