Aelis Character in Eashavar | World Anvil

Aelis (/Ay-lis/)

"She Who Holds the Bonds"


Aelis is the patron of peoples and cultures and the keeper of social bonds. She is often closely associated with Deanala, who is responsible for the structural order of communities. Fae'len is a close friend of Aelis, whom she loves dearly, though Fae'len has rejected her routinely. As such, she is somewhat of a tragic goddess, representing relationships and yet pursuing an impossible one.  

The Canon and the Way

In the Prime Canon, Aelis specifically exemplifies national unity and the will of the people. She is a direct aide to Deanala; while the Deanala provides the rope, Aelis binds the peoples' hands in solidarity. Conversely, Aelis provides a sort of check to her powers: sometimes, the institutions which Deanala upholds must fall in order for a culture to survive, and Aelis is the one who manifests the revolts which cause the tumble. Sometimes, Aelis' success depends on Deanala's destruction (or, rather, her rebirth).   In the Green Way, Aelis is associated more with social bonds, and her legalist interpretation is considered perversion. Most supporters of the Green Way don't have the highest opinions of the social orders which the Prime Canon often justifies, and Aelis in rebellion embodies *exactly* how they feel. She is thus quite a popular deity among Fey, and most show some degree of reverence or respect towards her.  


Universally, rings are viewed as Aelis' canonical emblem, and they are given out in many places to important members of the community for their service. In most artistic depictions, Aelis is viewed as an androgynously-presenting character - always without clothing, but rarely with any noticeable sexual characteristics. Her form can take on that of any race, though it is commonly human or Elven within the Prime Canon.  

Rites and Worship

Aelis typically does not sponsor places of worship. Instead, her devout followers are members of volunteer and aide groups, which are predominantly monasteries whose members forsake material belongings in exchange for a life of service. Of course, Aelis also has many casual followers, who are content with making donations and volunteering regularly throughout the year, especially around holidays.   Monasteries and their clerics may have an assortment of traditional garments that they wear and which represent their specific grouping, though they tend to prefer simple garb, such as robes of dull gray color. Hoods are disfavored, for they remove an aspect of humanity from the bearer who dons them, and worshippers keep their face unobscured.   Despite this preference of simplicity, followers often adorn themselves with jewelry - especially rings, which may be on fingers or hang from necklaces. These rings are rarely expensive or luxurious, and are often freely given out during charitable practices to those who desire it. Reception of such a ring is viewed by the public as a sign of Aelis' favor, and children especially flock to earn them, often in exchange for minor help or service to the monastery for the day.




Towards Aelis




Towards Deanala



Potential Suitor

Towards Aelis



Potential Suitor

Towards Fae'len


Holy Text: The Seven Theses (Third and Sixth)
⊕ Aid those in need, especially strangers.⊝ Never break trust which is granted to you.
⊕ Donate to charity whenever you are able.⊝ Do not cause harm to those less fortunate.
⊜ Upon entering a monastery, offer a coin to the collection plate, unless you have come to request one.