Protagonist's Place Building / Landmark in Earth under the Boon | World Anvil
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Protagonist's Place

"We know where you live of course, but for the spirit of cooperation, why don't you describe your station, please?" Arbiter Poin Tak Hen, interrogating The Protagonist
  The Local is the place that answers the question "Were do you live? In what kind of habitat?"   From a small appartment to a trailer, all the way to the giant resort, the Protagonist's Place determines how they live their life.   Many factors influence how much the Place consummes in the way of energy, resources and efforts.
  • What's its distance to the workplace? To everyday shoppings?
  • Does the Sun strike it nicely?
  • What materials is it made of?
  • What heating system does it use?
  • Is it insulated?
  Even if the Protaonist isn't in charge of the Place (living with the parents, crashing at a friend's place, living in a hotel...), he needs to analyse its perks in order to capitalize on the Rehabilitation program. Knowing one's home is always good if one aims to know where the problems are, it prevents wasting money and time for something that could have been avoided.

Purpose / Function

It is the home of the protagonist, it existed prior to the invasion, and the aliens allowed the participants of their programs to return where they ame from and work on improving themselves from there.


A Connectotron has been placed on the entrance.




This is where the protagonist lives. Its history depends on the protagonist's choice or what their handler chose for them (parents, bosses,...)

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