Blessed Talisman Building / Landmark in Earth PA | World Anvil

Blessed Talisman

Purpose / Function

The Blessed Talisman is a magic artifact shop. It is run by whichever artificer Shénqì has employed at the time. She also uses it as a way to harvest souls (or soul metal) from her customers to grow her power. Its initial purpose, however, was to serve as a hideout for a clan of witches who worshipped Shénqì. She eventually found out and harvested their souls for their trouble. In her defense, they were sacrificing innocent souls in her name and she wasn't pleased.


The interior of the shop appears to be all one room, divided up by an endless maze of shelves. The walls are carved from stone with intricate, swirling designs that glitter with magical energy.


One entrance into the shop. There is a stone slab on the ground directly next to a cliff face. The stone needs to be knocked on, after which it will right itself up against the wall and open inward.

Sensory & Appearance

The place is musty, sure, but there is the scent of flowers and fresh water that permeates the shop with a metallic hint to it, like tea held in a flask. It is well-lit from seemingly nowhere. There are shadows cast on the walls at random, but the shelves and items are all lit up perfectly well. It is cozy and warm in here, but not uncomfortably so. In fact, one always seems to be at a comfortable temperature regardless of the amount or type of clothing worn.


The only constant life form here was that of Hugo the artificer, until he died. Even Shénqì doesn't hang around all too often. But now she needs a new shopkeeper or else she is stuck running the place herself.

Contents & Furnishings

The shop is filled with all manner of devices and artifacts that fill the countless shelves. Nothing is labeled, and there appears to be no rhyme or reason to any of the organization. From thick, wooden bookcases to wire shoe racks to metal lockers, the shelves themselves are as varied as the items they hold.


The shop isn't so much a building as it is a hole in the wall. The entrance is magically sealed by a large slab of rock that rests firmly on the ground. It can be opened by knocking on the slab. The interior architecture is smooth and angular, almost looking dwarvish in style, except the elegant, swirling designs in the walls glitter with magic energy in vibrant blues and purples.


The only people who visit the shop are looking for powerful artifacts not to be found anywhere else. Its location is not well-known, but people end up finding it anyhow. Whether it be through divine guidance, a mysterious treasure map, or a rumor whispered by a stranger in a bar, those in need will find a way. Due to the relative lack of steady business and the unique nature of the artifacts, prices here are exorbitant. Often enough, Shénqì will demand a favor on top of the price of the item, but her artificers usually just require soul metal.
Characters in Location


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