Wyvern Species in Earth | World Anvil
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Basic Information


It comes in the form of a reptilian creature, between five and ten meters long. Its hind limbs are incredibly powerful, although it generally prefers to roam its territory through the air. The forelimbs extend in the shape of wings, similar to those of a bat.

It has an elongated skull adorned with two backward-curving horns, its scaly tail is topped with quills, and at the end of it is a huge scorpion stinger that it uses to poison its victims.

Genetics and Reproduction

After breeding in flight, the wyvern lays its eggs in open caves on the mountainside, once a year in late winter. With its partner, it will take turns brooding the litter while the other hunts. The eggs can hatch after 552 days. The young will then stay with the father while the mother leaves the nest.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wyverns can grow very fast: after two month, the litter will be able to learn how to fly and at nine month old, they will begin maturing sexually. They will be adults at one year old but they only leave their father after three years. If their father has another litter, they will either help hunt for the family or fight with the mother to eat the eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

They live on the mountainside, in regions with a temperate climate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Contrary to dragons, it doesn't have breath attacks but nevertheless remains a formidable creature because it is aggressive and voracious. It hunts like birds of prey, flying in circles to locate its prey, before swooping down on it and carrying it away to devour it.
They will hunt any animal they can carry, including humans and other sapient species.

Biological Cycle

Wyverns winter from november to the end of january, after which they go and try to find a mate.


Wyverns are very territorial, especially when nesting.

Additional Information


To domesticate a wyvern, you have to get an egg and take care of it until it hatches. You have to be the very first person it sees so that it will listen to you. You can then train it like any other species.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wyverns can be used for goods transportation and defense but even its image is often used as a means of intimidation and a sign of power.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Its sight is extremely well developed so that it can spot its preys during flight.
50 years
Average Height
2.7 – 5.4 m
Average Weight
3 – 5 t
Average Length
5 – 10 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brown or dark green, sometimes fawn colored.
Geographic Distribution


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