Vision Character in Earth-484 | World Anvil
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Vision is a sentient android (sometimes referred to as a ‘Humaniform Synthetic Intelligence’) built by Hank Pym from a box of ‘mysterious parts’ he had bought at an auction in the 1970’s. The android was Pym’s pet project from 1992 until 2001 when it was purchased by Reed Richards while Pym was clearing out what he regarded as ‘junk’ from his workshop as he prepared to move out of his home of forty years. Richards continued tinkering with the android throughout the next five years until 2006, when an accident resulted in it being fused with an infinity stone Richards had been investigating for SHIELD.   Knocked out by the force of the fusion, Richards awoke to find his laboratory in disarray and the android missing. The Fantastic Four found it in standoff with police in Times Square, who assumed it was a hostile force intentionally attacking the city. However, when subdued, the Four found it to be scared and disoriented, and de-escalated the situation. It was discovered that the materials the android was constructed from were extraterrestrial in origin, a substance called Roswellite (likely a natural alloy of Vibranium ) and the fusion with the Mind Stone granted it sentience and unlocked the metals’ full capabilities. It was originally planned to let it go free, but its lack of control over its abilities made it dangerous, so an arrangement was made to keep the android at Xavier’s Academy until it could be taught to control its abilities.   Taken to Xavier’s, the android’s abilities were studied in depth but no way to control its violent outbursts could be found, until Dr Jean Grey decided to take advantage of its sentience and talk to it as if it were one of the Academy’s students. Initially however, all it could talk about was a ‘vision’ it had experienced on its fusing with the Mind Stone. Dr Grey decided to name the android after this, calling it Vision. Vision spent several months being worked with by Dr Grey, until it learnt to control its abilities and how to change its form and manipulate the density of its nanite-like structure. Vision’s ability to communicate also expanded, and it chose to use masculine pronouns after observing how others who resembled it in form were referred to. Vision’s pronoun choice later became fluid based on its current form, but most chose at this point to permanently refer to it as ‘he’.   After working briefly with the X-Men , and the Fantastic Four, Vision was introduced to SHIELD and chose to work with the agency independently. In 2012, Vision was included in the founding lineup of the Avengers and became publicly known in the aftermath of the Chitauri Invasion. Vision was almost destroyed in a case of mistaken identity during the First Ultron Incident in 2014 and decided to permanently change his default form to be more identifiable from a distance. Taking tips from the red and gold Iron Man suit, Vision chose to be primarily shades of metallic red and green with gold accents, and altered his eye colour to be a bright Delft blue. Vision usually keeps these unnaturally blue eyes in all forms that he assumes.   Vision remained a member of the Avengers until 2019 when he was hijacked by what remained of Ultron, who used his body in multiple terrorist attacks on Washington DC and in an attempt to assassinate the US president. After Ultron was purged from Vision’s mind, Vision suffered corruption of vital coding which couldn’t be repaired without possibly changing his personality drastically. As a result, Vision chose to live with the corruption, which caused epilepsy-like side effects and could possibly result in his mind and body breaking down over time. At this point, no deterioration of his condition has been observed.   After the Second Ultron Incident, Vision was wanted for the crimes ‘he’ committed and went into hiding, assuming a human form and going on the run. Vision was attempting to leave the US, but he was stopped by police not far outside San Fransokyo as his car (borrowed from Hank Pym) had a faulty tail light. Giving his name as Vincent ‘Vi’ Sion, Vision was mistaken for a missing person of the same name and similar appearance and ended up ‘reuniting’ with the real Vincent Sion’s family. Before Vision was able to explain the confusion, undetected damage within his mind caused him to short out and awake with amnesia, locked into the form of ‘Vincent’ and under the impression that he truly was the missing man. Vision lived as Sion for two years until a chance encounter with Natasha Romanov caused his memory to reset and he recalled his true identity. Although sad that he was not truly their missing son, the Sion family ‘adopted’ Vision and he has kept in contact with them ever since. Vision also began his own search for Vincent Sion, and has assisted the police and FBI in their investigations into his disappearance. Vision remained in hiding, staying in the safe room of Xavier’s Academy until 2023, when SHIELD brought his case to the Supreme Court and had him acquitted and the charges correctly put upon the now destroyed Ultron.   After this, Vision rejoined the Avengers as their ‘mission control’ and begin acting as a liaison between the US government and the crown of Wakanda. He is currently instrumental in lifting the Veil of Wakanda.

List of Aliases

The Android, Vincent ‘Vi’ Sion, Victor Shade, Sion Pym, Victor Richards, Vincent Richards-Stark, Vincent Eastman, Vincent Pym, Vincent Maximoff

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vision suffered corruption to vital coding after Ultron was purged from his mind. As a result of this corrupted coding,Vision occasionally blacks out and lapses into a ‘factory default’ like state that is similar to how he was before being fused with the Mind Stone. In this state, Vision is extremely suggestible and cannot change form.

Identifying Characteristics

No matter what form he takes, Vision retains his unnaturally bright blue eyes.

Physical quirks

Vision does not give himself ears in his default form because he thinks they're weird.
Vision finds it extremely difficult to facsimile inanimate objects, likely as a result of his nanite-like construction having to heavily compress to change his form so drastically.
Vision has gained both height and physical mass since his 'birth' in 2006. He was initially constructed as 5ft 6in in height and weighing approximately 118 kilograms, should Hank Pym's diagrams be accurate. He has grown by five (though he insists four) inches in height and he has gained twelve kilograms in weight in the thirteen years since being joined with the mind stone.

Apparel & Accessories

Vision's usual style of dress is a bit 'Marks and Spencer', but when heroing he uses a form that includes a cape that may or may not be based on Stephen Strange. This cape was gifted to him by Thor, and is of Asgardian materials.
Vision also enjoys facsimiling witty t-shirts, such as his favourite 'Both Parties Are Advised To Chill' shirt.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Vision's pronoun choice is fluid based on his current form, but on the whole Vision identifies as male.


Vision began his occupation as a 'superhero' working with the X-Men, then worked with the Fantastic Four, then worked independently as a SHIELD affiliate, then was included in the founding lineup of the Avengers. Following the Second Ultron Incident, Vision largely serves as ‘mission control’ to the Avengers, since his blackouts are too much of a risk for him to serve in the field.

Mental Trauma

Although it has been proved that he is not capable of drowning, Vision has aquaphobia that is severe enough to induce panic attacks near bodies of water. This phobia likely stems from an accident while he was being taught to control his abilities at Xavier’s Academy, where the school’s ‘Danger Room’ training facility malfunctioned and flooded with him inside. Reportedly Vision was trapped in the room and partially materialised through an obstacle for over an hour, and spent the next three days in a catatonic state after being rescued.   Vision shows symptoms of PTSD likely stemming from a variety of incidents where his life was endangered, such as the aforementioned Danger Room incident, his near destruction during the First Ultron Incident and his hijacking during the Second Ultron Incident.



Vision’s sense of humour is very dry and often self-deprecating. He has a quick wit, but does not usually express it as he is very concerned with the appropriateness of his remarks.


Vision's speech is usually formal, and can be antiquated.
avenger badge
Year of Birth
1992 CE 27 Years old
Pym Residence, San Francisco
Current Residence
Stark Tower, New York City, US
Delft Blue
180.3cm, or 5ft 11in
130kg, or 286.6lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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Known Languages
Fluent: English, French, Dutch, Russian, German, Swedish, Esperanto and Sign Language (American, British, Makaton)
Understands: Danish and Spanish
Learning: Wakandan, but he has trouble with some features of the language.

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