Chapter 1: Leaving Springfield Plot in Earth- World of Darkness | World Anvil

Chapter 1: Leaving Springfield

Each one of the trouble makers are being summoned before Prince George. Their fates are uncertain as each have broken one of the 6 traditions of the Camarilla. Prince George is not happy with any of them and their fate is uncertain as they head to have an audience with him.

Plot points/Scenes

Meeting the price of Springfield
Traveling to Chicago
Meeting the Prince of Chicago
]Settling into Cabrini Green



((Ivan)), ((Patricia)), ((Brian)), and ((Cody)), have been summoned to meet with Prince George Mayfield. They have each broken one of the six traditions. Prince George Mayfield is an ally with Prince Kevin Jackson, and is sending them to his city for a little while.


The party must leave Springfield and head to Chicago and must make the trip in one night. And they must not cause any issues along the way.

Rising Action

The Party will get stopped by a member of law enforcement along the way. The Officer will be someone who abuses power and tried to get the party in trouble.


The party gets away from the officer and is able to finish their trip to Chicago.

Falling Action

The party arrives in Chicago and meets with Prince Kevin Jackson and is told what their responsibilities in Chicago will be. The party is going to be responsible for one of the worst parts of Chicago, Cabrini-Green.



The goal of the party is to make it to chicago without causing any problems in a single night.


The Writ of Passage may be confiscated by the Police officer.

Moral Quandaries

How does the party handle the power tripping officer.





Police Officer



Spingfield, MO
Chicago, IL


Traffic Stop-The police officer is going to be very hostile to the party from the get go. He will Eventually find a reason to ask the party to step out of the vehicle. At which point he is going to search the vehicle and "find" marijuana.


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