Kahmoor Building / Landmark in Earin | World Anvil
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Kahmoor is the largest and most iconic city of the Penning, a subterranean marvel hidden beneath a grand ice palace that serves as the heart of their civilization. It's a place of wonder and mystery, where the Penning have thrived for generations.

Sensory & Appearance

City Layout: Glowing Ice Caverns: Kahmoor is a vast network of interconnected ice caverns, illuminated by bioluminescent fungi that grow on the cave walls, casting a soft, ethereal glow. The ice formations within the city create breathtaking sculptures that seem to come to life when touched by the light. Housing: The Penning live in circular, domed ice dwellings called "Aqigloos." Each Aqigloo is decorated with intricate ice carvings and serves as both a home and an art gallery for its inhabitants. Marketplaces: Kahmoor boasts bustling marketplaces where Penning artisans sell their ice sculptures, jewelry, and other artistic creations. Visitors can also find exotic seafood, unique magical items, and trinkets from the depths of the sea. Aquatic Gardens: The city features impressive underwater gardens filled with vibrant aquatic plants and schools of colorful fish. These gardens are a source of beauty, inspiration, and sustenance for the Penning.


Kahmoor lies hidden beneath a massive, ornate ice palace located near the coast of a frozen sea. The palace serves as both a royal residence and the entrance to the city below.
Owning Organization

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