Schools of Magic

The study of magic is divided into fifteen different disciplines, commonly referred to as schools. Each discipline governs the different uses and functions of magic as they are currently understood, encompassing the use and theory of that school. While some mages may often specialize in a specific school, focusing their thoughts, theories and experiments into the evolution of that school, most are generalists, preferring to use each school of magic to their own end. Many disciplines of magical study have been lost to time and this list is by no means comprehensive, instead covering the schools of magic as are commonly understood.    

The Schools of Magic


Abjuration- The School of Abjuration governs magic that wards, seals, banishes or protects. Abjuration spells are often used to ward against or seal away evil and banish outsiders. Abjuration magic is also useful in protecting both yourself and your allies in combat, and is often studied by battlemages, paladins and priests alike.

Aethermancy- The School of Aethermancy governs the storage and use of mana in its physical form, Aether. The newest school, students of Aethermancy use various materials such as crystals, gems and other materials to store its energy for later use. While Aether has been used for ages to fuel magical equipment, it has only recently begun to be stored as such, its energy later used to power much more sophisticated equipment or even spells. The complexity of this magic has reached a level that most scholars have agreed it has become its own school.

Chronomancy- The School of Chronomancy governs magic that manipulates space, time and gravity in order to alter the fabric of existence to the caster’s will. In ages past this was a commonly studied school, used primarily for teleportation and travel between the Realms. After Celestine’s Law however, the practice and study of Chronomancy has been all but extinguished among novices, as the majority of its remaining secrets require a great amount of power and discipline. Only the most wizened sages dare to delve into its secrets, and much knowledge in the field has been lost.  

Conjuration- The School of Conjuration governs magic that summons various creatures and objects from elsewhere, often to heed the commands of the caster. Another school of magic impacted by Celestine’s Law, conjuration spells that were once considered quite simple have been rendered much more difficult, specifically summoning beings from other Realms such as demons and angels.

Creation- The lost School of Creation is a term often used by sages to describe the magics of the Old Ones and the Divines that created the Known Realms and all who dwell within them. Not really lost, the powers of creation have always been beyond the ability of mortal races, at least according to official sources. The act of true Creation itself breaks the first law of magic. Something cannot be created from nothing. Even so, many scholars spend their entire lives attempting to unlock its secrets. While many mages can achieve the semblance of creation, a conjured sword or a crafted golem, no new material was created to craft the sword, the golem does not have a soul. They have simply repurposed what already is.

Destruction- The School of Destruction governs spells that were created with the sole focus of unleashing devastation upon their foes. The most recognizable of all schools of magic, no spell is as recognizable as a mage’s Fireball. Battlemages are often apt students of this school, and the results of their training can be seen on most any battlefield.

Divination- The School of Divination governs spells that enable the caster to peer into the future, read minds as well as discover long-forgotten knowledge and other secrets that wish to remain hidden. While when first considering the Divination School many may first think of fortune-tellers and the like, but detection spells and scrying also fall under it, many battlemages supplement their repertoire with spells from this school.

Enchantment- The School of Enchantment governs magic that affects the minds of others, influencing or even often controlling their behavior. Enchantment spells can often convince an erstwhile enemy to be a friend, confuse or disable a foe or even modify the memory of a target. Another school that can sometimes have a bad reputation, many conflicts have been avoided with a simple Alter Memory spell.

Geomancy- The School of Geomancy governs the use of geometric runes in magic. Sometimes referred to as runic magic or runecraft, Geomancy can be used to fortify items, strengthen physical blows and to enact magical effects. Infused with mana, geometric runes can be either temporary or permanent and are used to guide the infused energy to the desired effect. In Geomancy it is knowledge of the runes and the strength of their craft that is of the utmost importance. While many civilizations have made use of Geomancy over the ages, it is the dwarves that have truly mastered the art.

Illusion- The School of Illusion governs spells that deceive the minds and senses of others. The greatest students of this school can even convince others that their illusions are real, inflicting psychic instead of physical pain. While the illusion magic is often studied by those with untoward intentions, many use this school to keep unwanted intruders away, most predominantly the fey.

Necromancy- Life and death are but two sides of the same coin, and the School of Necromancy governs both. Spells in the Necromancy School are often used to manipulate the forces of life, raise the dead and weaken enemies. While the darkest necromancers often give this school a bad reputation, there are many who would use the powers of Necromancy for good.  

Ostramancy- The School of Ostramancy governs spells that alter the wheels of fate and chance. Spells such as hexes and curses also fall under the framework of this school, most commonly used by witches, hags and warlocks. Sometimes referred to as the School of Mysticism, Ostramancy can reverse failure and alter one’s destiny.

Restoration- The School of Restoration governs healing and restorative magic. Knitting together broken bones, staunching bleeding wounds and curing disease all fall under the Restoration School. While there are many lay persons who study this school, there are few true masters. Priests and paladins are often astute students of this school.

Sorcery- While at its core Sorcery governs the study of spirits and souls, it is most infamous for those that control and dominate lost souls, using them to power their magic. Many sorcerers control and dominate the unsent, using the massive amount of energy generated by the soul to fuel spells beyond that of any other spellcasting discipline. This art however requires those entrapped souls to endure a fate worse than death, eternal torment. While there are many spellcasters and shamans that practice good Sorcery, seeking to work with and calm restless spirits, the temptation of power is so great that no reputable institution of higher learning will teach the dark arts of Sorcery, and in almost the entirety of Earedar the practice of controlling, imprisoning or dominating spirits is outlawed.

Transmutation- The School of Transmutation governs magic that alters the properties of a creature, condition, or thing. Magics that petrify, polymorph, enlarge or shrink all fall under the Transmutation School. Many primal casters make extensive use of this school.

Other Disciplines


Alchemy- While not necessarily a field of magic, Alchemy and magic often go hand in hand. Alchemy is commonly defined as the practice of combining various ingredients and reagents in order to mimic magical effects. This can be done through the creation of potions, poultices and elixirs. The creations themselves are not inherently magical, nor is any spellcasting done, but the results can often be the same.

Hemocraft- A sub-school of Necromancy, Hemocraft is commonly referred to as Blood Magic. A caster who practices Hemocraft is capable of using their own life force in order to power their spells, allowing them access to magic beyond a normal mage. A powerful enough spellcaster using Hemocraft can even use the life force of others to power their spells. Because of this, the study of Hemocraft is forbidden in most circles, and even outlawed in many areas of the Known Realms.  

Polymorph- A sub-school of Transmutation, Polymorph governs the use of magics that transfigure a creature or item into another rather than simply altering a property of it. The difference is a fine line, but one that some scholars have begun to draw between the two. The most commonly used example of this is a druid’s ability to shapeshift into various beasts and other creatures. While most sages agree that Polymorph has not emerged from under Transmutation as its own school, it is one that bears noting.  

Psionics- Not necessarily a school or even a field of magic as we currently understand it, Psionics governs the use of telepathic, telekinetic and other psychic abilities. While some races and beasts can use these abilities inherently, for many the use of psionics seems to be beyond the range of their abilities. Most psions have been touched by the Void, and we do not yet understand why or how these powers are granted.


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