Dwarfen New Year Tradition / Ritual in Earedar | World Anvil

Dwarfen New Year

Dwarfen New Year is a celebration by the  Stoneborn Dwarfs and the Exiled Dwarfs of the end of the previous year and the beginning of the next. It is a day of feasts and celebration. Most businesses are closed on Dwarfen New Year, to participate in the festivities. 

The day begins with the Chronicle of Deeds, the listing of the accomplishments of the hold over the previous year. It is here that those Dwarfs that contributed to the success of the hold are honored for their achievements. After the Chronicle a large tournament is held, hosting events such as wrestling, archery, dueling, and Bleznäk Vöhr, as well as competitions of drinking, art and artisanry. These games and celebrations proceed throughout the evening, culminating in the Feast of Heroes, where the champions from each event are honored. Food and drink is provided by the hold, and all celebrate the beginning of a new year.
Dwarfen Calendar: 1st Day of Frost   Ghiscari Calendar: 25th of Revka's Lament


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