Eard Lisan's Rebellion Timeline

Lisan's Rebellion

The war for independence between Lisan and Zedara.

  • 398

    8 Serilun

    21 Karadolun

    Lisan's Rebellion
    Military action

    Lisan's Rebellion was a war between the Rebel state of Lisani and the Kingdom of Zedara. Lisani broke away from Zedara after the terrible reign of the King Xavier Sannatosi.

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    Lisan's Rebellion
    Additional timelines
  • 398

    9 Serilun

    20 Serilun

    Lisan's march to Parmanca
    Military action

    The March to Parmanca was the rally point for the Lisani Loyalists and Storm Coasters. By the time the entire 30,000 men of Lisan had arrived, only half of the 20,0000 Storm Coasters were there as well, but since Lady Lisan was in a hurry to march against the East Marshes, she lead their forces to Nolaki and ordered all other forces to remain until after the battle.

  • 398

    13 Serilun

    4 Goradolin

    Tomane's March to Parmanca
    Military action

    Lord Tomane was called for aid by Lady Lisani to bring his soldiers to Parmanca. He was able to bring roughly half of his 20,000 forces there until they were called to battle at Nolaki. The rest of the soldiers arrived after the battle of Black Lake.

  • 398

    18 Serilun

    2 Goradolin

    Hagan's March to Nolaki
    Military action

    After discovering that Lady Lisani was raising banners, Hagan responded in defense to raise his own banners at Nolaki, bringing 25,000 soldiers.
    This ended dreadfully as only two thirds of the soldiers were able to reach Nolaki before Lisani's forces reached there and battled them.

  • 398

    2 Goradolin

    Battle of the Black Lake
    Military action

    Battle of the Black Lake was the first battle during Lisan's Rebellion. It ended in her victory of securing the eastern side of the Tusi Riva (East River) Which she pronounced West Watch since it is now the western most region.
    When the battle was finished, Hagan Durano was forced to swear feality to Lady Lisan, however he refused and lost his life over it. His son, Daris however, did surrender and swear to serve Lady Lisan.

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  • 398

    7 Goradolin

    10 Goradolin

    Siege of Jomanda
    Military action

    The Siege of Jomanda was a short event only lasting three days until the Castellan, Sir Daenis, surrendered the keep to Lady Lisani.
    At the end of the Siege, the remaing forces of the Storm Coasts arrived.

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  • 398

    11 Goradolin

    Skirmish at Geskara Hills
    Military action

    Aran Cratia was given the task of hunting down Zarro Burrafaro and his men who were raiding Lady Lisan's supply lines. Their conflict took place in the Geskara Hills.

  • 398

    15 Goradolin

    Ambush at Argionersa
    Military action

    Lady Lisan and her men marched towards Sorini to continue their campaign until they were ambushed along the road and had to battle. Ultimately, they were the victors of the small skirmishers, but they lost 800 soldiers.

  • 398

    3 Kalimilun

    Creation of the Three Star Contract
    Political event

    During Lisan's Rebellion. A deal was struct between Lady Lisan, Olak Thakamur, and Tomane Russoma to forge an alliance. The contract's main focus was that the Orcish immigrants would be allowed to stay within Lisani as long as they took part in Lisan's Rebellion and swore feality to her.
      These terms were agreeable to all parties with little conflict between them and so the contract was written out and witness by several lords both human and orcish. Once the document was finished, it was declared that Lisani would also remain independent from Zedara and Lady Lisan was pronounced Queen.

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