Republic of Ranisston Organization in Eard | World Anvil

Republic of Ranisston

The Republic of Ranisston sit just under the tip of the Tanval mountains. They are simple and hardy folk of old traditions of family, community, and Ischmur.


In the old days, Ranisston was nothing more than a collect of simple city states bound through culture and war. It was Orin Dathmor who sought to conqure the Ranisston city states but failed after the Ranisston Alliance was formed under the Princes, Abelor Orthin, Charl Davmor, Gram Tharmon, Haris Harkhor, and the Princess, Tisha Adwin. Through their Alliance, they defeated the armies of Orin Dathmor and founded a new country under their names. They first founded the Alliance of Ranisston, a proto nation of the Republic of Ranisston. For seemingly unrelated reasons, each of the founders started dying off or dissapearing. It first begun with Charl Davmor when he was killed by one of his guardsmen by accident, but was executed nonetheless. It was followed by the Kidnapping of Tisha Adwin at the hands of Orcish Pirates and was never seen from again. Then Haris Harkhor who fell down stairs at his home at Green Tower and broke his neck. Gram Tharmon, paranoid from the news, locked himself away in his chamber and slowly starved to death. This granted Abelor Orthin rightful rule of the rest of the Country, but it was a long and bloody one as Orcish Pirates continued their attacks along the coast.

  This only worsened when Abelor Orthin passed away and his Son, Althor The Cruel begun to rule in his place. Althor was a foolish and arrogant man who cared more for wealth and pride than the realm. He ignored the cry of many of his subjects and refused any aid. His wrath was only worse when the throne passed to his own son, Challon The Worst. Challon went out of his way to punish those who sought aid and would have his subjects publically flogged, beaten, and even raped. He was the last King to ever rule Ranniston after he was butched by a mob in the Capital of Orthalin. A bloody war of nobles thus begun, but anyone who dared take the throne was soon murdered. 
It was Dorian Heimlin who managed to put an end to the war during the Treaty of Trauston when they chosen to rule through representation, not kings and queens, and the Constitution of Ranisston was written.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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