Sin Organization in Eana | World Anvil
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Sin is the name of a terrorist group supposedly operating out of the myserious city of Mist. It is made up of eight main members, each representing an antithesis to the attributes of the Noble Eightfold Path.


It is said that each of the primary eight members are marked by refuting an aspect of the Noble Eightfold Path:
  • Ditthi, for having the wrong view
  • Sankappa, for having the wrong intention
  • Vaca, for saying the wrong thing
  • Kammanta, for taking the wrong action
  • Ajiva, for failing to live the right livelihood
  • Vayama, for not taking the right effort
  • Sati, for not being mindful
  • Samadhi, for not having insight
  Each, in turn, derives their abilities from this refutation. Ditthi can invade someone's mind and change their ideology and memories, and can even manipulate one’s thoughts on a molecular level; Sankappa can shift people's intentions and can change one’s emotions, all the while making them believe that what they are doing is right; Vaca can control one's speech, make them lie, or just puppet their mouth; Kammanta is the most physically powerful, causing bloodshed and merciless rage between those close-by; Ajiva can cause dehydration and starvation, as well as bring plague; Vayama can make restrain the senses, causing illusions; Sati causes individuals to lose attention and go into coma-like states, as well as change the person’s state of consciousness; Samadhi can narrow one’s view or vision, leading them down dangerous paths and causing them to miss safer solutions.
Illicit, Terrorist group


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