Mist Settlement in Eana | World Anvil
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Mist is a nickname given to a legendary town said to be located in a huge canyon in the borderlands of the collapsing Empire. It is said that the village is cloaked in everlasting rain and mist. It is of note that its real name is unknown.


Legends say that Mist is hidden magically by spirits of revenge which encircle the village's perimeter. It is said that, long ago, the village by pillaged time and time again by soldiers of the Empire, and the various rival factions which surrounded the village. Some villagers stood up to this abuse, and one was executed as a signal to all others who attempted to rise up.   It is said that the spirits of these vilagers, who rose up regardless, still manifest as those spirits of revenge, bringing the rains and mists which surround the village. These egregious environmental hazards deterred further attempts at pillaging the village, as the village could no longer be found at all, and few seem to even remember its existence.   It is said if you think too hard about the village of Mist, that it will actually become more difficult to remember.


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