The Cage Building / Landmark in Ealathra | World Anvil
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The Cage

The harsh winds of Zluugka's desert carried whispers of the infamous Cage, a prison that rose like a stern guardian against the chaotic tide. Encircled by sun-baked sandstone walls, its imposing silhouette mirrored the stern gaze of justice. As daylight danced on the iron bars, it revealed the prison's checkered past — a history etched in clandestine experiments and tales of the supernatural.   Within its fortified halls, shadows told stories of an era when the Cage was more than a mere penitentiary. It became a crucible for the town's darker inclinations, where guards became both enforcers and, some whispered, something more. The lead-lined evidence room stood as a testament to secrets buried deep, hinting at the line between law and the shadows that stretched beneath it.   The Cage's name invoked fear, and tales spun by desert nomads spoke of bells tolling in the night, a symphony of alarm echoing through the dunes. Whether it was justice or something far murkier that dwelled within, the Cage cast a long shadow over Mubeasau, its history woven into the very fabric of the town's existence.

Purpose / Function

The Cage in the town of Mubeasau serves as a multifaceted institution, designed to maintain order, rehabilitate offenders, and protect the community. Functioning as both a detention center and a correctional facility, the primary purposes of the Cage include the incarceration of individuals who have violated the town's laws, ensuring that they are removed from society during their period of punishment. Additionally, the Cage incorporates rehabilitation programs aimed at helping prisoners reintegrate into the community upon their release. The name "Cage" reflects the secure nature of the facility, emphasizing its role in confining those who have transgressed, while the underlying goal remains the restoration of individuals to law-abiding members of society.


Over time, the Cage in Mubeasau has undergone several alterations, adapting to the evolving needs of the town and the challenges posed by its criminal elements. One significant modification involved fortifying the evidence room with reinforced structures and lining it with lead. This was done to enhance security and protect sensitive evidence, ensuring that it remains untampered with and secure from any external influences. Another, more controversial addition was the establishment of a separate wing dedicated to experimental initiatives involving prisoners. This wing was created to explore alternative methods of rehabilitation and understand the psychological aspects of criminal behavior. However, the ethical boundaries of these experiments have raised concerns among some members of the community.   Simultaneously, the Cage has allowed a portion of its facilities to be used for the guards to live out certain desires. This wing, though contentious, may serve as a pressure release valve for the psychological stress faced by the guards, although the ethical implications and potential abuses need to be carefully monitored.   These alterations reflect the complex interplay between maintaining security, experimenting with rehabilitation methods, and addressing the psychological well-being of the staff within the confines of the Cage.


The architecture of the Cage in Mubeasau is predominantly characterized by the use of sandstone, a readily available material in the desert region. The main structure and walls of the prison are constructed from this durable and locally sourced stone. To enhance security in critical areas, particularly those holding valuable evidence or housing experimental facilities, iron reinforcements have been incorporated into the construction.   In terms of aesthetic adornments, the desert setting influences the traditional style. The exteriors of the buildings may feature intricate carvings in the sandstone, showcasing both the craftsmanship of the builders and the cultural motifs of the region. While the primary focus is on functionality and security, there might be elements of regional artistry displayed in the design, possibly in the form of engraved patterns or symbols on certain sections of the walls.   The desert surroundings, with its warm earthy tones, could inspire a harmonious color palette for the town, and this may reflect in some architectural elements. However, the overall style would prioritize practicality and resilience in the harsh desert environment.


  1. Heavy Walls: The main structure of the prison features thick, sturdy walls, likely constructed from reinforced sandstone and iron in critical areas. These walls act as a formidable barrier against external threats.
  2. Arrow Slits: Incorporated into the design are arrow slits, especially along the long runway entrance. This allows archers stationed strategically to have a clear line of sight to potential threats or escaping prisoners.
  3. Alarms: Alarm bells are distributed strategically throughout the prison. Placed in key locations, these bells serve as an auditory warning system. They can be triggered manually or in response to specific conditions, alerting guards and personnel to potential issues.
  4. Enhanced Human Sentry: The use of an enhanced human transformed into a giant serves as an imposing and formidable guardian. This sentry could be strategically positioned to deter or intercept any threats, especially at critical points within the prison.


The Cage in Mubeasau has a storied history as both a symbol of justice and a feared institution. Originally established during a tumultuous period marked by rampant crime and civil unrest, the prison was conceived as a solution to restore order to the town. Its construction, largely financed by influential figures seeking stability, began on the outskirts of Mubeasau's arid landscape.   Over the years, the prison evolved in response to the changing nature of crime and punishment. What started as a simple containment facility gradually expanded, incorporating defensive features like heavy walls and arrow slits to counter sophisticated escape attempts. As reports of prisoners with supernatural abilities surfaced, the institution adapted further, utilizing enhanced humans as guards and experimenting with containment methods.   The Cage earned a notorious reputation due to rumors of the experiments conducted within its confines. Whispers of dark desires being indulged and mysterious occurrences fueled the prison's aura of dread. The decision to fortify the evidence room with lead-lined walls hinted at secrets deemed too dangerous for the public eye.   Despite controversies, The Cage became an integral part of Mubeasau's identity, simultaneously feared and respected. Its history is etched in the sandstone walls, telling a tale of a town that faced its demons within the confines of its own creation.
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