Shrapnel beards General Tinkering Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Shrapnel beards General Tinkering

Founded 50 years ago in the poorest district of Feakrith, Shrapnel Beards General Tinkering started as a collective of dwarves seeking excitement beyond traditional smithing. Evolving through trends of appliances, weaponry, and black powder applications, the shop found its true calling in prosthetics. Leaving behind questionable weaponsmithing, the dwarves embraced a business dedicated to helping people. Today, they're pioneers in prosthetic limbs, offering their services globally.


Shrapnel Beards maintains a flat and collaborative structure. Starting as a collective of tinkerers, it retains this ethos. There's no rigid hierarchy, encouraging all members to contribute to inventions that enhance the realm's quality of life.


The culture is one of collaboration and innovation. Dwarven hands, skilled and precise, assemble prosthetic limbs in a symbol of craftsmanship. The radiant sun above the anvil signifies hope, emphasizing their dedication to helping those in need. Crossed tools on either side represent the diverse skills of the tinkers.

Public Agenda

Shrapnel Beards General Tinkering's public agenda revolves around the compassionate and innovative application of their skills to improve the lives of individuals across the realm. Their primary goal is to provide prosthetic limbs and other technological solutions to those in need, especially in the aftermath of the calamity. Collaborative and forward-thinking, their agenda emphasizes using technology and magic to bring hope and functionality to those who have lost limbs, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive society. Their work aligns with philanthropic efforts, driven by a commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of people in Feakrith and beyond.


Shrapnel Beards General Tinkering possesses several key assets:  
  1. Skilled Craftsmen and Craftswomen: The organization has a team of highly skilled and innovative dwarven tinkerers who are adept at both magical enchantment and traditional forging.
  2. Technological Expertise: Shrapnel Beards has developed advanced expertise in crafting prosthetic limbs and other technological solutions. They stay at the forefront of advancements in their field.
  3. Collaborative Culture: The collaborative culture within the organization itself is an asset. The collective approach to problem-solving and invention drives continuous improvement and creativity.
  4. Benefactor Support: Generous benefactors support their philanthropic endeavors, providing the financial means to offer prosthetics to those who might not afford them.
  5. Past Projects and Inventions: The organization has a history of successful projects, including crafting weapons and assisting in the creation of airships. These experiences contribute to their credibility and skill set.
  6. Rox's Reputation: The fame of Rox, one of their employees who became a hero, adds to the organization's reputation. This can attract more attention, support, and collaboration.
  7. Established Business Networks: Over the years, Shrapnel Beards has established networks and collaborations with other businesses, contributing to a broader reach and influence.
  8. Workshop and Facilities: The organization possesses well-equipped workshops and facilities where their craftsmen and craftswomen can bring their inventions to life.
  These assets collectively enable Shrapnel Beards General Tinkering to fulfill its mission of providing innovative solutions to improve the quality of life for individuals in the realm.


Originating in the poorest district, the group transitioned through various crafts before settling on prosthetics. They've left behind a legacy of aiding those with missing limbs, turning their backs on more dubious weaponsmithing in favor of a business that makes a positive impact.

Making you whole again

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