Mira Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Officer Myriana Felix- Fairhaven (a.k.a. Mira)

A chief officer within the illioss Clergy Currently overseeing the adventures known as the tragic backstories.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mira, honed by Clergy training, boasts toned agility under a lean, athletic build. No overt aids or abnormalities mar her exterior, though a haunted gaze hints at past trauma's lingering effects. While illness or affliction might be unseen, her mental resilience remains her true battlefield.

Apparel & Accessories

Apparel: Base Layer: A sleek, form-fitting tunic crafted from soft white leather, hugging her athletic build without restricting movement. Hints of silver embroidery thread around the collar and sleeves depict arcane symbols, subtle references to her spell creation without being overtly magical. Outer Layer: A flowing white leather coat, longer in the back for added protection and elegance. The front remains open, revealing hidden pockets stitched into the lining that hold her tools and vials. Silver clasps etched with intricate geometric patterns adorn the shoulders and wrists. Leggings: Sleek white leather leggings hug her calves, offering flexibility and protection. They might be tucked into sturdy boots or left exposed depending on the terrain.   Accessories: Vambraces: Crafted from white leather with silver plating along the forearms, offering defense without sacrificing style. Small pouches stitched onto the sides hold additional components for her spells. Pendant: A silver pendant shaped like a balanced scale hangs from a white leather cord around her neck, reflecting her dedication to justice and subtly referencing her connection to the Islioss Clergy. Gloves: Fingerless white leather gloves with intricate stitching across the back enhance her grip and offer some protection while allowing fine manipulation of tools and components. Boots: Sturdy boots crafted from white leather with a hint of silver detailing along the edges, providing both style and practicality for traversing various terrains.

Specialized Equipment

Spellwright's Toolkit: This custom-crafted chest holds tools and materials for sketching magical symbols, creating intricate diagrams, and preparing components for her unique "orchestrated spells." It might contain rare inks, miniature lenses, powders of unusual herbs, and even clockwork components.   Echo Earpiece: A finely crafted earpiece amplifies sounds and whispers, enhancing her awareness and allowing her to pick up on subtle cues others might miss. It might subtly enhance her own voice when giving commands or negotiating.   Cloak of Hidden Scripts: This seemingly unremarkable cloak hides delicate magical script that shimmers faintly under moonlight. While not directly magical, it grants her advantage on Perception checks in low light and allows her to leave coded messages for allies that only she can read.   Vial of Calming Elixir: This concoction, mixed from rare herbs and infused with subtle magic, allows her to temporarily suppress strong emotions in herself or others, potentially defusing tense situations or aiding focused thinking.   Puzzle Box of Distractions: This intricate box, when opened, unfolds into a series of miniature illusions and puzzles. It can be used to distract pursuers, create diversions, or even subtly test the intelligence and wit of potential allies.   Map of Whispers: This seemingly ordinary map contains hidden compartments and channels whispers of conversations or rumors she's collected from various sources. By tracing specific routes or symbols, she can access relevant information about locations, individuals, or events.   Charm of Falsehood: This amulet allows her to speak a single, short phrase that compels the listener to believe it's true for a brief period. While not perfect, it can be used for subtle manipulation, buying time, or creating openings for strategic maneuvers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Conflicted Loyalty: Despite witnessing Kain's dark path, Mira still clings to the Clergy's core ideals, creating a dissonance between her personal experience and her beliefs. Fear of Repetition: This could manifest as suspicion towards authority figures or a constant vigilance against corruption within the Clergy. Drive for Justice: Witnessing Kain's failures might fuel her desire to uphold justice in a more ethical and nuanced way. Hidden Depths:   Secretly Resentful: While outwardly loyal, she might harbor hidden resentment towards the Clergy for manipulating Kain and neglecting her. Internal Struggle: She grapples with her father's legacy, fearing she might inherit his vengeful tendencies while desperately wanting to avoid them. Masked Vulnerability: Her pragmatic exterior hides a well of emotions, creating tension and potential for vulnerable moments. Unique Skills:   Resourcefulness: Seeing how Kain sought his own methods, Mira developed an unorthodox problem-solving approach, relying on strategic alliances and resourcefulness. Non-Magical Creativity: Her spell invention stems from understanding people's strengths and motivations, allowing her to "orchestrate" magic through others. Leadership with a Twist: Unlike Kain's lone wolf style, Mira leads through delegation and collaboration, valuing diverse perspectives and strengths.


Formal Education:  
  • Clergy Training: Her upbringing likely included rigorous training in Islioss Clergy tenets, history, philosophy, and religious texts. This would hone her analytical skills, knowledge of justice systems, and understanding of ethical frameworks.
  • Military Tactics & Strategy: Whether within the Clergy or through external sources, Mira might have acquired training in warfare, battle formations, resource management, and strategic planning.
  • Diplomacy & Negotiation: She could possess skills in negotiation, mediation, and reading people, honed through interacting with diverse groups and resolving conflicts within the Clergy.
  • Arcane Studies: While not traditionally magical, Mira's spell creation might involve extensive research into magical theory, rituals, and the workings of different spellcasting traditions.
  Informal Education:  
  • Field Experience: Kain's travels and potentially violent past might have indirectly exposed Mira to various cultures, survival skills, and the darker side of the world. This could fuel her resourcefulness and understanding of people's motivations.
  • Mentorship & Collaboration: Learning from diverse individuals like scholars, inventors, or even criminals could have broadened her knowledge base and unconventional problem-solving strategies.
  • Self-Taught Studies: Driven by curiosity or necessity, Mira might have independently studied topics like history, linguistics, alchemy, or even forbidden magic, expanding her repertoire beyond traditional Clergy teachings.
  Unique Skills & Knowledge:  
  • Network Building: Her ability to gather information and recruit talent could stem from cultivating a vast network of informants, allies, and specialists across different disciplines.
  • Resource Acquisition: Knowing how to identify, barter, or even manipulate various resources would be crucial for her spell creation and problem-solving in unconventional ways.
  • Psychological Acumen: Understanding people's strengths, weaknesses, and motivations allows her to effectively delegate and orchestrate "spells" through their combined skills.

Mental Trauma

Mira's mental trauma stems from a fractured childhood under the Islioss Clergy. Witnessing her father, Kain, consumed by vengeance left her marked by fear of repeating his mistakes. She grapples with both loyalty to the Clergy's ideals and a gnawing suspicion of their true actions, creating a dissonance that fuels her resourcefulness and hides a well of unresolved emotions. The constant vigilance against darkness within herself and the organization she serves shapes her into a complex individual, driven by a desire for justice tempered by a cautious pragmatism born from witnessing the devastating costs of vengeance.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mira's intellect boasts a curious blend of strategic brilliance and creative resourcefulness. Her Clergy upbringing instilled a rigorous analytical mind, adept at grasping complex systems and ethical frameworks. Beyond traditional texts, her father's dark path fueled an unconventional education, teaching her to understand people and manipulate hidden power dynamics. This unorthodox approach fuels her unique talent for "orchestrating magic" through others, highlighting her sharp wit, ability to identify diverse strengths, and knack for forging powerful alliances. Despite her pragmatic exterior, a wellspring of critical thought hides beneath, constantly analyzing the Clergy's ideals against the harsh realities she's witnessed, creating a nuanced intellect forever grappling with the legacy of vengeance and the pursuit of true justice.

Morality & Philosophy

Mira's morality and philosophy dance on a tightrope between idealism and pragmatism, forever scarred by the echoes of her past. The Clergy's ideals of justice and protecting the realm are deeply ingrained in her, yet witnessing her father's descent into vengeance casts a long shadow. She clings to those core principles, but with a wary eye, knowing the path to good intentions can be paved with unintended darkness.   Her experiences have fostered a nuanced understanding of justice. It's not a rigid code, but a tapestry woven from context, consequences, and understanding the people involved. While she values efficiency and resourcefulness, she's haunted by the specter of collateral damage, ever mindful of the cost of achieving "good" through harsh means. This conflict fuels her unique skillset, seeking solutions that leverage diverse talents and minimize harm. Ultimately, Mira strives for a world where justice prevails, but her journey is fueled by a constant vigil against letting her own desire for order become another Kain's vengeance in disguise.

Personality Characteristics


Justice & Order: Despite witnessing the Clergy's darker deeds, Mira still clings to their core ideals of justice and protecting the realm. This forms the foundation of her desire to make a positive impact and uphold ethical principles. However, she's wary of repeating past mistakes, seeking a form of justice tempered by pragmatism and avoiding the collateral damage she's seen before.   Redemption & Reconciliation: Her father's descent into vengeance haunts her, leading to a desire for both personal and societal redemption. She might strive to prove that the Clergy can uphold justice without succumbing to darkness, potentially seeking to reconcile their past actions with their current ideals.   Truth & Understanding: Deep down, Mira desires to uncover the truth about the Clergy's past and present transgressions. This knowledge might fuel her cautious nature and drive her to expose wrongdoings while preventing future harm. But she also understands the complexities of truth and its potential to destabilize everything she strives to protect.   Hidden Vulnerability & Connection: While outwardly focused on tasks and justice, Mira harbors hidden vulnerabilities. The trauma of her past might manifest in fear of failure, self-doubt, or a suppressed desire for acceptance and connection. Building meaningful relationships with those who share her ideals could be a hidden priority, offering her support and strength.   Resourcefulness & Innovation: Witnessing the Clergy's limitations and Kain's methods instilled in her a desire for unconventional solutions. She prioritizes resourcefulness and finding creative ways to achieve her goals, leveraging diverse talents and avoiding traditional, potentially harmful methods.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mira's Savvies:

  1. Strategic Mind: Her upbringing within the Clergy honed her analytical skills, allowing her to formulate effective plans, consider diverse perspectives, and anticipate potential obstacles.
  2. Resourceful Leader: Witnessing the Clergy's limitations and her father's struggles instilled in her a unique approach to problem-solving. She excels at identifying and leveraging diverse talents, forging alliances, and acquiring necessary resources to achieve her goals.
  3. Diplomatic Acumen: While not traditionally "charismatic," her keen observation skills and understanding of people allow her to navigate complex social situations, negotiate effectively, and build trust with even wary individuals.
  4. Unorthodox Magic Creation: Although not magically inclined herself, her resourcefulness and understanding of magical principles enable her to "orchestrate" spells by drawing on the strengths of others, creating innovative and unpredictable solutions.
  5. Hidden Depth & Resilience: Her haunted past has instilled in her a cautious wisdom and resilience. She possesses a wellspring of emotional intelligence and empathy, offering her surprising strength in understanding and motivating others.

Mira's Ineptitudes:

  1. Internal Conflict: Haunted by her father's legacy and the Clergy's potential darkness, she grapples with self-doubt and the fear of repeating past mistakes. This can lead to hesitation in critical moments or reluctance to embrace unconventional solutions, fearing unintended consequences.
  2. Limited Magical Knowledge: While resourceful, her lack of personal magical ability restricts her own direct intervention and forces her to rely on others, creating potential vulnerabilities if their loyalty or skills falter.
  3. Emotional Suppression: As a coping mechanism, she might suppress her deeper emotions, potentially creating distance with allies or hindering her ability to fully connect with others.
  4. Blind Spots: Driven by ideals and loyalty, she might overlook subtle manipulations or miss crucial details due to her trust in the Clergy or specific individuals, leaving her vulnerable to betrayal or unforeseen consequences.
  5. Perfectionism: Her desire to avoid repeating past mistakes might manifest as perfectionism, potentially leading to overplanning, missed opportunities, or frustration with others who don't share her level of dedication.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Intricate Puzzles & Challenges: Her sharp mind enjoys unraveling mysteries, deciphering cryptic messages, and finding unconventional solutions to complex problems.
  • Meaningful Conversations: Though cautious, she appreciates deep, thought-provoking discussions about ethics, philosophy, and the complexities of justice.
  • Hidden Beauty: Whether in nature, art, or even seemingly mundane objects, she finds beauty in unexpected places, appreciating the intricate details and hidden stories they hold.
  • Competent & Reliable Individuals: While wary of blind trust, she values individuals who demonstrate expertise, dedication, and loyalty to their principles.
  • Unexpected Alliances: While strategic, she appreciates the potential of unconventional partnerships, recognizing that unique backgrounds and skills can lead to innovative solutions.
  • Calming Music & Rituals: To manage her inner turmoil, she finds solace in quiet moments with peaceful music or personal rituals that bring her focus and clarity.
  • Blind Zealotry: She despises those who prioritize dogma over reason, fearing the harm inflicted by unwavering belief without critical thought.
  • Cruelty & Torture: Witnessing the dark side of vengeance has instilled in her a strong aversion to inflicting pain or suffering, even on enemies.
  • Arrogance & Self-Importance: Having seen leaders abuse their power, she dislikes those who flaunt their authority or act without considering the consequences of their actions.
  • Chaos & Unnecessary Risk: While resourceful, she dislikes reckless actions and unplanned choices, preferring calculated strategies and minimizing unnecessary risks.
  • Lies & Manipulation: Having seen the damage wrought by deceit, she is deeply suspicious of manipulation and dishonesty, even if used for seemingly noble goals.
  • Stagnation & Inaction: Witnessing the Clergy's potential inaction fuels her desire to see problems addressed and justice served, making her impatient with those who avoid taking necessary steps.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues from Training:
  1. Justice & Order: Upholding justice and maintaining order are at the core of her values, instilled by the Islioss Clergy. However, she understands the need for nuance and pragmatism, seeking balanced solutions.
  2. Loyalty & Dedication: Despite witnessing flaws within the Clergy, she remains loyal to their core ideals and dedicated to serving the greater good. This extends to those who earn her trust.
  3. Discipline & Self-Control: Her past experiences have taught her the importance of self-control and emotional regulation, especially in difficult situations.
  4. Leadership & Strategy: Her Clergy training honed her strategic thinking and leadership skills, enabling her to formulate plans and inspire others.
  5. Knowledge & Analysis: Through extensive study and observation, she possesses a sharp intellect and strong analytical skills.
  Perks from Resourcefulness:
  1. Unconventional Problem-Solving: Mira doesn't rely on traditional methods, instead opting for creative solutions that leverage the diverse strengths and talents of others.
  2. Network Building & Resource Acquisition: Her experience has taught her how to forge valuable alliances and acquire necessary resources even in unconventional ways.
  3. Observant & Insightful: Keen observation skills allow her to read people and situations, predicting potential problems and identifying hidden opportunities.
  4. Adaptable & Flexible: Having witnessed the limitations of rigidity, she thrives in ever-changing situations, adjusting her approach as needed.
  5. Diplomatic & Persuasive: While not traditionally "charismatic," her understanding of people allows her to communicate effectively and build trust, even with wary individuals.

Liaison for the Illioss Clergy assisting the Tragic Backstories in restoring order to Zluugka

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned White
Aligned Organization


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