Khilseith Quineiros Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Khilseith Quineiros

Planes Master Khilseith Quineiros

Guardian of the plane of Ealathra. member of the High Council of Xin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A very aged High Elf, With silver hair and a beard. He looks in fairly good physical fitness for a wizard.

Body Features

Khilseith Dresses in fine gold gtrimmed mage robes

Facial Features

A long beard which is uncommon for Elves

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A child Orphaned by the Dragon War Khilseith grew up at the Xins mages guild raised by his grandfather. He quickly showed great promise with magic and developed a knack for teleportation and scroll craft. In his elfen "teen" years he found himself stranded in another plane, the experience humbled him and showed that there were threats that even the floating city of Xin could not stand.     Honing his craft and becoming Ealathras most powerful wizard since Malon Bagsher he dedicated his life to stopping multi-dimensional threats from breaching into the realm. eventually, he was given the position of head of Arcana on the High elf council, a trivial position for him as his concerns greatly outweighed the needs of one city.    When the united army pushed Zriegast Khilseith offered a hand in battle and was able to unite the Wererat Investigation Bureau's long-lost member Zaharail.   After the final push, Khilseith returned back to Xin to continue his battle with extraplanar threats. The other Council members tried to pressure Khilseith into gathering Xinx crystals either using his planes knowledge to get more or steal Zriegasts, However he refused.    Sometime later he gathered the gravity wizard Armin and Rox of the WIB to inform them of an extra-dimensional threat that had breached Ealathra in the form of the Spider Queen infecting spellcasters' pocket dimensions. The three began to investigate the matter further.


Khilseith is Straight and did Sire a child with a human woman though evidence would suggest this was a one night fling


  • Graduated Xin's mages guild top of his class
  • self-taught about every known culture of Ealathra
  • has spent time studying from fellow mages of different planes.


High Council of Xin

Accomplishments & Achievements

He  has prevented over 30 potential incursions on the realm

Mental Trauma

He witnesses something horrific during his first plane travel, he's never spoken of what it was but it forever changed him.

Intellectual Characteristics

He tends to speak in quick response, he knows time is a valuable resource and must be used efficiently

Morality & Philosophy

The horrors of the outer planes must not reach Ealathra  It's impossible to put out all fires at once sometimes you have to prioritise


Inexperience interacting with other planes

Personality Characteristics


To maintain the planar balance of Ealathra  Make sure no one disrupts the natural order of magic

Likes & Dislikes

like new exotic foods dislikes buracracy

Vices & Personality flaws

Spends so much time on his planar missions he lets home events slip him by. Ignores his own family for his own goals



Speaks in a standard American Accent
Neutral Good
Current Status
Keeping Ealathra safe from extraplanar threats
Current Location
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
134 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You are meddling with powerful magic, beware the consequences"
No religious beliefs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Khilseith knows all languages to better help him when travelling to new planes


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