Gabrial Ravenshroud Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Gabrial Ravenshroud

Gabrial Alexander Ravenshroud (a.k.a. The Shadow Hunter)

Adopting parent of Alexander Ravenshroud and Nathanial Nocturne and their grandfather Gabriel Ravenshroud, once a humble ranger, led a life intertwined with the shadows and the secrets they held. Fate dealt him a cruel blow when his beloved wife, Nora, fell victim to a savage werewolf one fateful night, forever altering his path. Consumed by grief and fueled by a burning desire for vengeance, Gabriel embraced the life of a relentless monster hunter, pledging to rid the world of the creatures that haunted his nightmares. Yet, his insatiable thirst for blood spilled over into obsession, casting a shadow over his relationships and driving a wedge between him and those who once stood by his side. As years passed, Gabriel's reputation grew, stories of his prowess spreading like wildfire, both inspiring and terrifying in equal measure. But destiny had more in store for him. A twist of fate reunited him with his orphaned grandson, Alexander, a child burdened by the weight of his legacy. Gabriel saw in him the flicker of potential, a chance to pass on his knowledge and mold a successor. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey, their bond tested by the darkness that lurked in the world's hidden corners. With each hunt, Gabriel sought redemption, not only for the loss of his wife but also for the fractures he had caused in the name of his obsession. As their intertwined destinies unfolded, Gabriel and Alexander became a formidable force, the torchbearers of their family's legacy, navigating the treacherous landscapes where monsters roamed. But the true test awaited them, as they ventured into the heart of darkness, facing ancient evils and uncovering secrets that would shatter their understanding of the world. In the crucible of their shared journey, Gabriel sought not only to train his grandson but also to find redemption for his own troubled soul, discovering that the line between hunter and hunted is often blurred in the face of the shadows.   As the years wore on, Gabriel Ravenshroud's relentless pursuit of monsters led him to the treacherous Sands of Zluugka, a vast and unforgiving wasteland rumored to hold the key to liberating Glummingthorne from its cursed mist. With determination burning in his eyes, he embarked on a perilous quest, leaving behind whispers of his disappearance in his wake. The sands swallowed him whole, a lone figure swallowed by the shifting dunes, and since that fateful day, no one has laid eyes on Gabriel Ravenshroud. His absence left a void in the hearts of those who knew him, a lingering question that echoed through the land. Was he lost to the sands, consumed by the very darkness he sought to vanquish? Or did he uncover a truth so harrowing that it sealed his fate, forever consigned to the depths of a forgotten realm? The mystery of Gabriel's disappearance endured, becoming yet another tale in the annals of Glummingthorne, a testament to the sacrifices made in the pursuit of a noble cause. His legacy lived on through his grandson Alexander, the weight of his teachings and the burden of his unresolved journey guiding the young hunter's steps. And though Gabriel's fate remained a mystery, his spirit lingered in the hearts of those who still believed that one day, he would emerge from the depths of the sands, bearing the key to unlock Glummingthorne's true salvation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gabriel Ravenshroud, at the age of 65, maintains a remarkable physical condition despite the toll his years of monster hunting have taken on his body. While he bears the scars of countless battles and the weariness of age, he remains strong and resilient. His physique exhibits a combination of wiry strength and weathered endurance, attesting to the physical demands of his lifelong vocation. Though he may not possess the same agility and swiftness of his younger years, his body still retains a formidable presence, marked by a steely resolve and a seasoned warrior's bearing.

Body Features

Gabriel Ravenshroud, with his aging physique, possesses key body features that reflect his life as a seasoned monster hunter. His weathered face is lined with deep wrinkles, evidence of the hardships and countless battles he has faced. His piercing gray eyes hold a glint of determination and wisdom, revealing the depth of his experiences. A thick, graying beard frames his face, adding a touch of ruggedness and authority to his appearance. Despite his age, his tall and lean frame remains resilient, showcasing the strength and endurance that have carried him through a lifetime of hunting monsters.

Physical quirks

Yes, Gabriel Ravenshroud has developed a few physical quirks over the years due to the toll of his dangerous profession. One notable quirk is a slight limp in his right leg, a lasting reminder of a past encounter with a ferocious werewolf. He also has a tendency to rub his temples when deep in thought or facing a particularly challenging situation, a habit formed from years of analyzing and strategizing against formidable adversaries. Additionally, his hands bear numerous scars and calluses from wielding weapons and handling various hunting tools, showcasing the ruggedness and battle-worn nature of his hands.

Apparel & Accessories

Gabriel Ravenshroud's apparel combines a western style with a touch of fantasy. He wears a rugged, weathered leather duster coat, reaching down to his mid-thigh, adorned with intricate stitching and subtle engravings. Underneath, he dons a simple, sturdy shirt with rolled-up sleeves, allowing freedom of movement. Around his neck, he wears a loosely tied bandana, providing protection from the elements and obscuring his face when needed. He pairs this with fitted trousers tucked into sturdy leather boots, worn and scuffed from countless treks through wilderness and monster-infested territories. To conceal his arsenal, he wraps a wide, fringed poncho around his body, its earthy tones blending with the rugged terrain. The poncho's design incorporates hidden pockets and compartments for easy access to his weapons, ensuring swift and efficient combat when needed.

Specialized Equipment

In addition to his heavy crossbow, Gabriel Ravenshroud possesses a set of specialized equipment tailored to his monster-hunting pursuits. These include:  
  1. Silver-edged Blades: Gabriel wields a pair of silver-edged blades, finely crafted and enchanted to enhance their effectiveness against supernatural beings. These blades are designed to pierce the defenses of creatures vulnerable to silver, making them potent weapons in close combat.
  2. Monster Hunting Kit: Gabriel carries a meticulously organized kit filled with various tools and supplies essential for hunting and tracking monsters. This kit includes items such as vials of holy water, alchemical substances, traps, tracking devices, and specialized ammunition, enabling him to adapt to different encounters and exploit the weaknesses of his adversaries.
  3. Protective Gear: Understanding the dangers he faces, Gabriel dons specialized protective gear to shield himself from the attacks of monstrous creatures. This may include reinforced leather armor, sturdy boots, and a variety of defensive accessories such as gauntlets, bracers, and a protective helmet.
  4. Utility Belt: Gabriel's utility belt is equipped with various compartments and pouches, housing an assortment of essential items for his hunts. These may include ropes, climbing gear, lockpicks, a small medical kit, flares, and other tools necessary for exploration, survival, and overcoming obstacles in his quests.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gabriel Ravenshroud, born into a modest family, began his life as a ranger wandering the untamed lands. Blessed with sharp instincts and unwavering determination, he honed his skills in the art of tracking and survival. However, tragedy struck when his beloved wife, Nora, fell victim to a ferocious werewolf, shattering Gabriel's world and fueling his burning desire for vengeance. Consumed by grief and driven by a newfound purpose, he embraced the path of a monster hunter, dedicating his life to purging the world of dark creatures that lurked in the shadows.   Gabriel's relentless pursuit of justice and his insatiable thirst for redemption set him apart from his companions and estranged him from his family. His single-minded obsession with eradicating the supernatural left little room for compromise or connection, and he embarked on his solitary quest with a heart heavy with sorrow.   Years later, fate intervened when he crossed paths with his orphaned grandson, Alexander. Recognizing the dormant potential within the young boy, Gabriel assumed the role of mentor, imparting his knowledge and guiding him in the ways of the hunt. Together, they ventured into the depths of haunted forests, ancient ruins, and cursed domains, their bond forged by shared loss and a shared purpose.   However, as time passed, Gabriel's unwavering pursuit led him to the treacherous Sands of Zluugka. Drawn by whispers of a long-lost artifact that held the key to liberating Glummingthorne from its perpetual mist, he embarked on a perilous journey from which he never returned. The shifting dunes swallowed him whole, obscuring his fate and leaving those who knew him in a state of eternal uncertainty.   Though Gabriel Ravenshroud's disappearance cast a shadow over the realm, his legacy endured. Tales of his bravery and unyielding spirit echoed through the land, inspiring new generations of monster hunters and instilling hope in the hearts of those who faced the encroaching darkness. Whether he met a tragic end or stumbled upon a truth too profound to share, his memory lived on, forever etched in the annals of monster-hunting lore.


Gabriel Ravenshroud, the renowned monster hunter, was self-employed. He operated as a freelance hunter, taking on contracts and assignments from those in need of his specialized services. His reputation as a skilled tracker and relentless pursuer of supernatural creatures made him sought after by individuals, villages, and even nobles plagued by the presence of menacing monsters. Gabriel's employment was driven by his personal mission to rid the world of these dark creatures, offering his expertise and skills to protect the innocent and restore a sense of safety and peace.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gabriel Ravenshroud's list of accomplishments as a monster hunter is quite extensive. He successfully hunted and eradicated numerous dangerous creatures that threatened the safety of communities and individuals. Some of his notable achievements include:  
  1. The slaying of a notorious vampire lord who had terrorized a remote village for centuries, bringing an end to their suffering and establishing lasting peace in the region.
  2. Tracking down and eliminating a pack of ferocious werewolves that had been causing havoc in the outskirts of a bustling city, ensuring the safety of its inhabitants.
  3. Single-handedly taking down a dragon that had been wreaking havoc on trade routes and threatening the livelihood of nearby towns, earning him the admiration and respect of the local populace.
  4. Liberating a haunted castle from the malevolent spirits that plagued it, restoring it to its former glory and allowing the rightful owners to reclaim their ancestral home.
  5. Uncovering and neutralizing a coven of powerful witches who were using dark magic to manipulate and harm innocent villagers, putting an end to their wicked schemes.
  These achievements, among others, solidified Gabriel Ravenshroud's reputation as a legendary monster hunter and earned him the gratitude and admiration of those he helped. His accomplishments became the stuff of legends, inspiring aspiring hunters and instilling hope in those facing supernatural threats.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Gabriel Ravenshroud had a long and illustrious career as a monster hunter, he also faced his fair share of failures and setbacks. Some of his notable failures include:  
  1. The encounter with a cunning and elusive shapeshifter who managed to outsmart Gabriel at every turn, evading capture and leaving a trail of chaos in its wake. Despite his best efforts, Gabriel was unable to apprehend the creature, resulting in its continued reign of terror.
  2. A mission to rid a cursed forest of a malevolent entity ended in failure when Gabriel underestimated the entity's power and fell victim to its dark magic. He barely escaped with his life, but the entity remained, causing harm to unsuspecting travelers who ventured into the forest.
  3. The attempted slaying of a powerful ancient demon proved to be a disastrous endeavor. Gabriel, along with a group of skilled hunters, engaged in a fierce battle, but they were outmatched by the demon's strength and cunning. The demon escaped, leaving Gabriel wounded and haunted by his inability to vanquish such a formidable foe.
  4. In his pursuit of a notorious lich that had been terrorizing a region, Gabriel underestimated the lich's ability to manipulate and corrupt others. The lich managed to sway the loyalty of some of Gabriel's companions, turning them against him. This betrayal resulted in a failed attempt to defeat the lich, allowing it to continue its reign of dark magic.
  These failures, while significant, served as valuable lessons for Gabriel Ravenshroud. They reminded him of the ever-present dangers and challenges that came with the life of a monster hunter, and fueled his determination to grow stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity.

Mental Trauma

Gabriel Ravenshroud carries the weight of deep mental trauma from his experiences as a monster hunter. The horrors he has witnessed and the lives he couldn't save have left lasting scars on his psyche. He often relives the moments of loss and failure, haunted by the faces of those who perished under his watch.   The loss of his wife, Nora, to a werewolf attack was a particularly traumatic event that shaped his path as a hunter. The guilt and grief he feels for not being able to protect her still haunt him, and he carries a sense of responsibility for every life lost to the creatures he hunts.   Additionally, the disappearance of his friends and comrades in the treacherous Sands of Zluugka has left a deep emotional impact on Gabriel. The uncertainty surrounding their fate and his inability to find them weighs heavily on his heart, creating an ever-present sense of loss and longing.   These accumulated traumas have left Gabriel emotionally scarred, with bouts of survivor's guilt, recurring nightmares, and a constant battle against despair. Yet, even in the face of his own struggles, he continues to persevere, driven by a deep sense of duty to protect others and seek redemption for the lives he couldn't save.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gabriel Ravenshroud possesses a keen intellect honed through years of studying and hunting monsters. He is knowledgeable about various creatures, their weaknesses, and the most effective strategies to defeat them. Gabriel's analytical mind allows him to assess situations quickly, identify patterns, and devise tactical plans to overcome formidable foes.   In addition to his practical knowledge of monsters, Gabriel has a deep understanding of folklore, mythology, and ancient texts. He delves into these realms to uncover hidden lore, legends, and clues that can aid him in his quests. His ability to connect seemingly disparate pieces of information often proves invaluable in unraveling the mysteries surrounding supernatural threats.   Gabriel's intellectual prowess is also reflected in his ability to adapt to different environments and situations. He is a quick learner, absorbing new information and skills with ease. His sharp wit and resourcefulness help him navigate through complex challenges and find innovative solutions to unexpected problems.   Furthermore, Gabriel possesses a strong sense of intuition and instinct, developed through years of experience. He often relies on his gut feelings and keen observational skills to sense danger, identify patterns, and uncover hidden truths. This intuition serves as a valuable asset in his ongoing battles against the forces of darkness.   Overall, Gabriel Ravenshroud's intellectual characteristics encompass a combination of knowledge, analytical thinking, adaptability, intuition, and a thirst for uncovering the secrets of the supernatural world.

Morality & Philosophy

Gabriel Ravenshroud's morality is deeply rooted in his role as a monster hunter and protector of the innocent. He believes in the inherent value of life and the importance of preserving it from the threats of supernatural creatures. Gabriel views himself as a guardian, driven by a sense of duty to rid the world of darkness and ensure the safety of others.   His philosophy revolves around the idea that actions have consequences and that individuals should be held accountable for their choices. Gabriel believes in the necessity of justice, particularly when dealing with those who harm or prey upon others. He holds a firm belief in the principles of fairness, righteousness, and protecting the weak.   However, Gabriel's morality is not without its complexities. His relentless pursuit of monsters sometimes leads him to make morally gray decisions. He faces moral dilemmas when confronted with creatures that exhibit qualities of humanity or instances where the line between good and evil becomes blurred. In these situations, Gabriel is forced to confront the difficult choices and wrestle with the consequences of his actions.   Ultimately, Gabriel Ravenshroud's morality and philosophy revolve around the preservation of life, the pursuit of justice, and the protection of the innocent. His unwavering commitment to his mission, tempered by his moral dilemmas, shapes his character and guides his actions in the face of the supernatural forces he encounters.


Gabriel Ravenshroud holds a set of taboos that he strictly adheres to in his role as a monster hunter:  
  1. Unjustified Killing: Gabriel believes in the preservation of life and only resorts to lethal force when necessary. He considers the wanton killing of sentient beings, even if they are monstrous, to be a taboo. He seeks to understand the nature and motives of his adversaries before taking action.
  2. Exploiting Innocents: Gabriel has a strong sense of protecting the innocent and views any act of exploiting or causing harm to those who cannot defend themselves as a grave taboo. He strives to shield vulnerable individuals from harm, especially children and innocents caught in the crossfire of supernatural conflicts.
  3. Becoming the Monster: Gabriel is cautious of the thin line between hunter and hunted. He understands the temptation and dangers of embracing the darkness within oneself when confronting monstrous forces. He considers surrendering to one's own dark desires or utilizing forbidden powers to defeat monsters as a taboo that risks losing one's own humanity.
  4. Betraying Comrades: Gabriel values loyalty and trust among his fellow hunters and allies. He considers betrayal, deception, or abandoning comrades in times of danger to be a significant taboo. He believes in standing united against the forces of darkness and emphasizes the importance of teamwork and mutual support.
  These taboos guide Gabriel's actions and serve as a moral compass in his pursuit of justice and the eradication of supernatural threats. They reflect his commitment to upholding a higher standard of conduct in the face of darkness and his determination to preserve his own humanity in the process.

Personality Characteristics


Gabriel Ravenshroud's motivation stems from his deep-seated desire to protect the innocent and rid the world of supernatural threats. Having witnessed the tragic loss of his wife to a werewolf, he dedicated his life to hunting down and eliminating monsters. His motivation is driven by a personal sense of justice, a duty to honor his fallen loved ones, and a commitment to ensuring that no one else suffers at the hands of supernatural creatures. He seeks to bring balance and safety to the world by facing the darkness head-on and vanquishing the forces of evil.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gabriel Ravenshroud, despite his noble intentions, is not without his vices and flaws. One of his vices is an obsession with his mission to hunt monsters, which sometimes leads him to neglect personal relationships and disregard the consequences of his actions. He can become single-minded and relentless in his pursuit, which may blind him to alternative solutions or compromise his judgment. Additionally, Gabriel's traumatic past and the loss of his loved ones have left him emotionally scarred, making him prone to bouts of anger, recklessness, and a desire for revenge. These flaws, while rooted in his determination to protect others, can also lead him down a path of self-destruction and isolation.

Personality Quirks

Yes, Gabriel Ravenshroud has a few ticks and quirks that make him distinct. When deep in thought or during moments of intense concentration, he has a habit of rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. It's a subtle gesture that signifies his contemplative nature and strategizing mindset. Additionally, Gabriel has a tendency to sharpen his weapons meticulously before and after each battle, often taking great care and precision in maintaining their sharpness. This ritualistic act serves as a way for him to focus his thoughts and prepare himself mentally and physically for the challenges ahead.


Religious Views

Gabriel Ravenshroud holds a skeptical view towards organized religion and the influence of gods. He believes that relying solely on faith and divine intervention is insufficient to overcome challenges. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of individual actions, personal strength, and relying on one's own abilities to shape one's destiny.


Gabriel Ravenshroud possesses a deep, resonant voice that carries a distinct gravelly quality reminiscent of Sam Elliott's iconic delivery. His speech is deliberate and measured, often punctuated by thoughtful pauses that add weight to his words. His tone exudes a sense of authority, wisdom, and rugged determination, lending an air of gravitas to his conversations. Whether he is issuing commands, sharing knowledge, or delivering a memorable line, his voice carries a certain rugged charm that captivates those who listen.


Gabrial Ravenshroud

spouse (Vital)

Towards Nora Ravenshroud



Nora Ravenshroud

spouse (Vital)

Towards Gabrial Ravenshroud



World renowed monster hunter

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gabriel Ravenshroud, the Monster Hunter, Blade of Glummingthorne, and Vanquisher of the Damned.
Year of Birth
625 DH 65 Years old
Nora Ravenshroud (spouse)
Current Residence
Long Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough and weathered skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Embrace the Hunt, for darkness shall yield to the light!"
Known Languages
  1. Infernal
  2. Primordial 
  3. Abyssal 
  4. Celestial


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