Kiyokanis Myth in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Much like Bavi'kaan , Kiyokanis has influenced their Realm personally throughout the ages. The difference, however is the power and guidance that they offer their governments. Kiyokanis is more than happy to observe the humans trying new things, and often never steps in before their ego is appealed to. Very decadent, charismatic and more than a little proud, Kiyokanis rarely keeps the same form, instead changing as fluid as the ocean. Often human-like in personality to the point of unnerving leaders, Kiyokanis has been known to wander cities, gamble and play favorites. Kiyokanis' unique oversight of Kaiyocea, as well as the constantly changing state of the ocean have led to its' rather changing and tumultuous history.
  Kiyokanis is well worshiped among all Kaiyoceans. Given that they have come to represent the ocean and its' constant movement, all people of the sea are careful to not attract Kiyokanis' ire. They rarely interfere, and is often credited as encompassing far more of the ocean than they actually do, yet certainly holds sway over other oceanic gods. However, Kaiyocea knows where Kiyokanis' true allegiance lies - The state of Kaiyocea itself. The few times the main province of Kaiyocea has been threatened, it has been told they became an extremely fearsome god, cunning and unforgiving to foes. Some legends state that during an ancient war, they let all of the tumultuous gods of the waters unleash their power and joined them with a spear in hand.
  The preservation of the province of Kaiyocea takes precedence above all other Kaiyocean objectives in Kiyokanis' eyes. They have removed rulers thought to be a detriment to the state, invaded other settlements thought to pose a threat, and exercised force over most of the ocean for his entire rule. Who the leader is concerns them not, so long as they preserve their Realm. The old leaders tried to win their favor with words and gifts - now they know that their actions matter far more to Kiyokanis.
  The deity of the ocean had watched as their realm slowly was pushed back. The plan was never excellent, simply ambitious, and now the Terr'ainans were at the gates of the Seashell Isles, the Aeravans experimenting with bombs that sink beneath the ocean's surface. They had half a mind to depose that greedy idiot themselves, but resisted the urge. After all, a revolution would teach far more. A small, self-satisfied smile appeared as the sounds of fighting began inside the castle, and the ostentatiously dressed figure stretched upon their throne, moving a piece on the war game in front. The battle was finished, on the board and off, and Kiyokanis stands to greet the new shogun.


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