50: Turtle and Tortoise Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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50: Turtle and Tortoise

General Summary

Aboard Akudon the Dragon Turtle, the party's friends from the Tortoise and the Cloudpiercers explain how they've been resisting Morgard's dominance in Whalestone Bay on behalf of Breaktooth. They hear about the even bigger conflict the party is involved in, namely stopping Iymrith and the releasing of the Voidbringer. Additionally, Morgard is confirmed to be empowered by the Nine Hells (via The Broker's patronage and more), which happens to have a historic stake in stopping the Voidbringer as well.
  Garin joins Runekeeper Jahani and Ataraxia as they pray at a shrine, but loses control to Thalgannath's desire to hunt 'devils'. He admits needing their help to controlling his inner demon.
  The party agrees to assist the growing resistance in the Whalestone Bay before resuming their pursuit of Iymrith. Njeri is particularly pleased and believes their involvement will increase their odds of success, even after inviting Jagata and the Reavers as well. While Morgard divides their forces on a land march to Mhannain, the Breaktooth defenders aim to open the blockade around Calodros.
  In trying to learn more about the Ur Trees, one of the 'chains' that seals the Voidbringer (the other two are the Venterband and the Ordning, which has been broken), Parvana introduces the party to Master Rherdon in the Woven Forest. Master Rherdon learns of the dual purpose of the Ur Trees and will coordinate with Gwehyld, a guardian of the Ur Trees along with her sisters, for extra vigilance. Additionally, Master Rherdon informs the party that Auntie Olga's deal is concluded, while keeping vague about the details. Before they leave, the party pays respects to Alotha, the Ur Tree in the heart of the Woven Forest. Manifesting from the connections held by Parvana and Ataraxia, are avatars of Alotha of the Wildsong and Mnemothos who are briefly able to embrace as long-time friends.

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

Campaign Date(s)
19.7 - 20.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
01 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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