43: Cowards Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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43: Cowards

General Summary

After Parvana's ritual, the party confronts Tabi regarding their earlier behavior. Tabi doesn't believe the party's claim of a blue-skinned entity appearing in his place. Ataraxia's responses of, "Coward," instigates her getting attacked and Nyx emerging. She gloats at the cleric's frustrations but insists their goals align. She is interested in 'pissing off' the Marquis, primarily by keeping the Ring of Winter away. Tensions remain high within the party.
  The party arrives in Cairnuadh at the northern end of the Malmhin Tunnels. They receive information at the Dancing Yak tavern about the journey towards the Sea of Mirrors. A drow named Benmar overhears the party and offers his services as a guide. He later trades knowledge about the terrain, drow clans, remorhaz nests, etc. in exchange for cooked food, but isn't hired by the group (due to the nature of their purpose of travel).
  As a storm passes over Cairnuadh as Harshnag arrives. The party finishes up errands in the town, such as Garin adjusting his sword to be a bludgeoning weapon and Navy paying a fine for 'illegally' conjuring her tower. After the storm, Parvana transforms the entire group into wisps of wind to try to cover as much distance as possible.  

Locations mentioned

Character(s) interacted with

  • Isbeill - was directed to collaborate with Eilidh in Glaisein
  • Cairistine (dwarf, female) - server at the Dancing Yak tavern in Cairnuadh
  • Benmar
  • Navuk (orc, male) - blacksmith in Cairnuadh
  • Cinderhild - observed via Scrying to be traveling through the Snowshield Mountains
  • Harshnag 
Campaign Date(s)
12-13.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
25 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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