42: Path to the Sun Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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42: Path to the Sun

General Summary

The party has a tense fight with the beholder over the giant pit. During the battle, Tabi slunk away (as Nyx) towards a treasure hoard, triggering additional guards to attack the others while the rogue remained hidden to search the pile. After the battle, Ataraxia confronts Tabi (who reverted their form and claims no recollection) over their behavior. Meanwhile, Navy investigates the depths of the pit.
  At the bottom of the pit, Navy's familiar sees a portal crackling with purple energy which collects into a viscous substance, within which alien-like creatures eat the numerous fallen corpses.  The party leaves as Navy summons a devil to engage with the pit's inhabitants and Ahriman collapses the entrance behind them. Isbeill, their guide, suggests the portal's inscription refers to ancient entities which follow 'the choir' that are also linked to the Aighenn Griahn. Garin concludes they and previous expeditions were knowingly sent to their deaths to either feed or appease these entities.
  Returning to the Malmhin Tunnels, Isbeill leaves the wand to open the pathway with the party and makes haste back to Glaisein. The party rests at a nearby shrine to Eleaimaihad which is sanctified by primal spirits that only Parvana can see. After communing with Mnemothos, the party confirms Garin's suspicions, that the portal leads to the 'Far Realm', and that the Aighenn Griahn did not intentionally seek the Void Bringer.
  After resting, Ataraxia questions a dwarven corpse they retrieved from the beholder's lair. It shares that 'The Shards' sent his expedition to 'seek the path'. Once determining the dwarf's identity and next of kin, Parvana leads a ritual for the corpse to be returned to nature.  

Locations mentioned

Character(s) interacted with

Campaign Date(s)
11-12.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
11 Apr 2021
Primary Location

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