Cataract Moth Species in Eacatis | World Anvil

Cataract Moth

Basic Information


The cataract moth features many of the anatomical features of normal moths, namely the feathery antenna, to differentiate them from butterflies. Other insect features include six legs attached to a three-part body.

The most defining feature of the cataract moth are the transparent wings. Looking through them is like looking through cracked glass. The wings also notable when the moths are flying in the sun, during which they sparkle and if there are many moths flying at the same time, the effect has been described as "dazzling", "disorienting" and "hypnotic".

Ecology and Habitats

The moths prefer to live in open grasslands, but they are also common in forests. The climate needs to be warm, but not overly hot during the day.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The moth feeds on nectar, without any special preference. Some claim that they'll also feed on dead plant material, but this has not been confirmed.

Biological Cycle

Like more common moths, the cataract moth goes through the stages: egg -> larva -> pupa -> grown moth

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

This small moth is named after the medical condition that it can reverse: Cataracts

In order to do this, the wings have to be separated from the body, which usually kills the moth. Afterwards the wings are dried and made into a powder. This powder is called cataract powder and is sprinkled hourly onto the eyes for a week, after which the cataract should be gone.

Naturally, some side effects may occur during the process. If the powder isn't fine enough eye soreness is almost guaranteed. The same goes for serious sleep depravation due to the constant application. If the dosage is wrong you may loose the ability to focus on objects, or even worse, make the eyeball transparent, which could cause blindness or sunlight sensitivity.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The moth can be found in the forests and grasslands in the south of Auwan.
Conservation Status
Because the moth can be bred with relative ease and catching enough to in the wild is difficult, most of the (relatively) large scale production is not impacting the livelihood of wild moths.


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