Insignia of Âdocôris

Zepter von Âdocôris by Bue Fairy 74
Ever since defeating the Wôtrica in 1123 AEC, the High Kings of the Goblins have worn an intricately carved crown of a wood elk and a scepter of a Brictaelgian oak. The crown is 45 cm wide and weighs 1.8 kg. The scepter is about a meter long and weighs about 1 kg. Both are only worn on high holidays.


Historical development

From the founding of the country of Âdocôris in 919 AEC, kings wore a simple crown of branches, bark and leaves, and a simple batmúne-wrapped branch as a scepter. During the battle the king Trind IX, was killed. After the Âdocôdix had to mourn about the death and celebrated the victory over Taen Wôtris new insignia were made, which should represent the power of the great kings far better than the previous ones.

Excerpt from the "History of Âdocôris":

"Brill, Crown Prince of Âdocôris, had a wondrous dream a few days before his coronation, in which he killed an elk and, at his coronation, wore a wonderful crown of the same antlers on his head. He saw it as a sign of victory over the forest goblins and wanted to further consolidate his power.
The next day he went hunting with his closest confidants, where he shot a five-year-old bull. He then found a beautifully twisted branch of a Brictaelgian oak to which he tied the animal for the journey home.
He had the new insignia made from antlers and branches by the most talented carvers. Some of the fur was incorporated into the coronation robes and the meat was used to make delicious pies for the coronation celebrations."


Structure, motives & meaning

The front is made from the bone plate from which the two shovels grow and is additionally wrapped with four coils of golden shimmering Âdaxas. The number represents the four countries of the continent. In addition, small flower beads from Drûxas are attached, which symbolize the wealth and power of nature.
The national animal, the green cat, is carved from the shovels. This represents strength and wisdom. Drûxas are also used for the eyes, nose and papillae. The teeth are covered with wafer-thin sheets of Adaxas.
The cat is framed by the foliage and fruit of the brictalegic oak, the national tree. It symbolizes the cycle of life. Because the antlers range in nuance from dark and light brown to white, the leaves are coated with a thin layer of green resin, giving them a slight sheen.

The staff of the scepter is made of Brictaelgian oak and is also wrapped with four whorls of Âdaxas, again symbolizing the number of Brictaelgian lands. The top is a replica of a Batmúne-flower, one of the most important plants on Brictaelgis. It stands for stability and endurance. The foot and stamens of the flower are made of Âdaxas. The three petals are made of dark red Âmatâx. The pistil is a larger stone of Drûxas.
Krone des Großkönigs von Âdocôris by Blue Fairy 74

In the years that followed, it became more and more a tradition for later kings to have their own regalia made, and the traditions of royal crown hunting and ceremonial manufacture developed as fixed rituals before the coronation of a new king.



The hunt always takes place on the day in honor of the god of death on Êth. The crown and scepter will be crafted within the next six days. Since, according to the Brictaelgian calendar, each day is dedicated to a god, the divine blessing of the insignia takes place at the same time. The production takes place according to a fixed ceremonial that since the coronation of Tâmix III. existed in 1356 AEC.

Day 1 - The Hunt and selection of the branch to honor Êthri and burn the fur as an offering.
Day 2 - The god of the moon Tâmid represents wisdom and is the patron saint of artists. On this day the antlers are studied, preliminary drawings are made and the carving work begins.
Day 3 - The green cat and oak leafs carvings are completed and Êlgista, the goddess of the earth, is thanked for her bounty.
Day 4 - By applying the green resin, the oak leaves are brought to life by the god of rain, Trállox.
Day 5 - Brictissa, the goddess of fertility is honored by attaching small green flower beads to the crown and placing the Batmúne flower on the sceptre.
Day 6 - As golden as the sun, in honor of Mîrta, the staff and crown are wrapped in golden Âdaxas and the teeth of the green cat are gilded.
Day 7 - On the last day, during a solemn smoking ceremony, the crown and scepter are freed from all evils by the power of Lânis, the god of wind, and blessed for the coronation.

In response to the unofficial Challenge: Artisan April by Oaster2000 and other lovely beans.

Cover image: Titel des Elements Erde by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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