Prince Munja of Avalion Character in Dystoria | World Anvil

Prince Munja of Avalion

Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.

Prince Munja

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Munja's personal history is a tale of royal lineage, exile, and unwavering determination. As the prince of Avalion and a descendant of Time Dragons, his early years were marked by privilege and duty. However, his life took a tragic turn with the onset of the Grand Sacking of Avalion, a devastating war ignited by the execution of a pirate lord and the subsequent retaliatory attack led by a formidable pirate, whose name before taking the title "Fannybaws" is unknown.   During this harrowing period, Munja's family faced grave peril, with his grandfather, Ludevic, valiantly challenging Fannybaws to solo combat. Munja's appeals for aid from allied dragons led to a brutal conflict, claiming the lives of many dragons and casting a dark shadow on his family.  

Gender Identity

As a younger individual in his species, Munja is more open to change and evolution of perspectives. His understanding of gender is influenced by the evolving societal norms and the diversity of gender identities he encounters in a rapidly changing world. Munja's youthful perspective makes him more receptive to newer understandings of gender, respecting the identities and expressions of individuals in his quest.


Munja respects the autonomy of individuals to define their own sexual orientation and experiences. He acknowledges that love and attraction take many forms and aren't limited by traditional norms. He benefits from this open and accepting approach, fostering trust and camaraderie with the diverse group of allies and adventurers he encounters in his quest to avert the prophecy and reclaim his kingdom.

Mental Trauma

From a young age, Munja's life has been filled with extraordinary challenges. When his grandfather was killed during the Grand Sacking, he blamed himself, believing that if he had been just a little faster and just a little stronger, his grandfather could have lived.  

Intellectual Characteristics

As a time dragon, he embodies wisdom, offering guidance and insights based on his lengthy experiences. His strategic thinking and diplomacy are essential for his mission to prevent the prophecy's fulfillment and reclaim his kingdom, making him a skilled planner and negotiator. Munja excels at problem-solving, adapting to changing circumstances, and conducting research to unravel the prophecy's mysteries. His adaptability, multilingualism, and ability to build alliances round out his intellectual strengths, making him a charismatic and knowledgeable leader.

Morality & Philosophy

Munja's respect for rightful authority and deep sense of duty are core aspects of his character. A notable aspect of his philosophy is his openness to forgiveness and redemption. He demonstrates a willingness to form alliances with former adversaries, embracing the idea of second chances. Munja's moral compass prioritizes the protection of his loved ones.   His philosophy also emphasizes diplomacy, cooperation, and unity, reflecting his determination to face overwhelming challenges and alter the prophecy's dark predictions for the greater good. As a relatively young time dragon, Munja's adaptability and potential for growth allow him to evolve and embrace changing perspectives.


Personality Characteristics


Foremost among his motivations is his unwavering commitment to reclaiming his kingdom, Avalion, which has fallen under the control of the Federation for Each and All Races. This mission serves as the central driving force behind his character.   Additionally, Munja is dedicated to preventing the prophecy known as "The Omens of Desolation" from becoming a reality. He understands the catastrophic consequences it could bring and is resolute in his quest to alter its course and protect the world from impending doom.  

Savvies & Ineptitudes

His diplomatic acumen is a standout skill, honed through various interactions and alliances. He excels at navigating complex political landscapes, forging alliances with individuals of diverse backgrounds, and making diplomatic decisions that have far-reaching consequences.   However, Munja is inexperienced in warfare. While he has developed combat skills, he is not a seasoned warrior. His natural inclination leans toward diplomacy and strategy, and direct combat is not his strong suit.

Virtues & Personality perks

His determination is unwavering, driving him to reclaim his kingdom, prevent the prophecy, and protect his family.  

Vices & Personality flaws

His strong desire to protect his family results in emotional distance, creating strained relationships. Munja's single-minded focus on his mission can lead to tunnel vision, potentially causing him to overlook alternative solutions or opportunities. His trusting nature, particularly towards former adversaries, can expose him to potential betrayals or manipulations. Additionally, the limitations of his time manipulation ability and the associated consequences can sometimes lead to unforeseen complications in his plans.



He maintains a polite and courteous demeanor, treating others with respect and exuding a sense of nobility. His experience in diplomacy is evident in his use of diplomatic gestures during conversations and negotiations. Munja is known for his thoughtful and contemplative expressions, taking time to carefully consider his words and actions, showcasing his strategic thinking. Even in challenging situations, he maintains a composed and resilient composure, rarely losing his temper and displaying emotional strength.


Prince Munja of Avalion

ally (Vital)

Towards Fannybaws the Unifier



Fannybaws the Unifier

ally (Trivial)

Towards Prince Munja of Avalion




In 5692, Fannybaws the Unifier rounded up many pirate lords to make an example out of Avalion, who had captured the reigning Fannybaws, Samuel Roch.

Nicknames & Petnames

Fannybaws: Butcher, Black Heart   Munja: Little Prince, Immortal Child

Current Location
The Poisoned Dragon
View Character Profile
Current Status
Fighting a Kraken
Year of Birth
5687 AAM 43 Years old
Crimson, ageless, wisdom in youth.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2"
180 lbs.
Known Languages
He is fluent in Common and Undercommon, enabling him to communicate effectively with both surface-dwellers and Underdark denizens.   Draconic, the language of dragonkind, is another language in which Munja is proficient naturally as a dragon.   In attempting to decipher various scripts surrounding the prophecy, he picked up reading Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal. However, his ability to speak or even understand these languages aloud is terrible.

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