Aryan Geographic Location in Dystoria | World Anvil


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Aryan seems to have the physical appearance of a rather large meteorite and is quite smaller than the other moons. It has a bluish coloration that gives it a mystical, dreamlike quality.   Aryan's geographic features offer a unique and captivating landscape. Its surface is a mesmerizing blend of ethereal, ever-shifting crystalline formations, jagged ridges, and luminous grooves.   As it progresses through its four-day cycle, its bluish hue intensifies, casting an eerie and enchanting glow across the landscape. This effect reveals distant celestial phenomena, creating a surreal and captivating celestial display.


  Associated with magical power, Aryan's history is a blend of legend and lore, shrouded in celestial mystery. The moon's origins are a subject of great speculation among the inhabitants of Dystoria, being a hotly debated topic among scholars. This is due to the most primitive drawings only ever show two moons: Baucury and Surerus.   There has been tale of arcane magic users that attempted to harness Aryan's energy to both great effect and devastating consequence, with no pattern seeming to be present. This behavior has caused many scholars to hypothesize this to be evidence that it is an artifact from the Feywild, a curse of a deity of whimsy, or even the conduit through which arcane magic was first introduced to the world.   Throughout the ages, Aryan has been a focal point for various cultures and arcane practitioners who have sought to unravel its secrets. It is said that the moon's name, shared in both Common and Undercommon, was a tribute to a powerful Drow heroine who accomplished great deeds for her people before death.   Being a moon of such mystery, many legends surround it. One such legend is that every one thousand years, the moon will inexplicably grant a wish that is spoken in its name. Others tell of great powerful aliens that morph the surface to their will, much akin to arcane casters of old. Even more speak of resurrections granted by the light of the moon showing favor upon an honored dead that achieved great arcane feats in life.   When Aryan alone is in a lunar eclipse, arcane magic goes into a sort of overdrive and these occasions are when the stories of the mightiest arcane deeds tend to take place.   Aryan's ever-shifting terrain, the emergence of "Aryan's Tears," and its celestial displays have marked significant events in the history of Dystoria. The moon continues to be a source of intrigue and wonder, its enigmatic past and its potential role in the future of the world it orbits are yet to be fully unveiled.
Planetoid / Moon
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