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Baseg On

Situated on the coast of the Coral Bay, Baseg On is the fifth biggest city in all of the United Provinces of Tamynia. Mainly known for its quarries, as well as the salt marshes surrounding, Baseg On is established right at the top of a cliff looking over the Coral Bay. That cliff is full of minerals and the main mining site of the city, which has established its trade importance with mineral trade.


40% Humans, 25% Dwarves, 10% Gnomes, 10% Halflings, 7% Half-Orcs, 5% Elves, 3% Half-Elves
70% Working Class, 25% Middle-High Class, 5% Aristocracy


The city of Baseg On is managed by a city council. The head of the council is elected by citizens every 2 years, and they name 6 other councillors to accompany them in their work. While there are no predefined roles for each councillor, it is excepted that each appointed councillor may be assigned one of these roles : treasurer, wharf master, arcane consultant, diplomat, cultural head, secretary (also the stenographer) and law overseer.


Rough stone walls encase the city center, though most homes are situated outside of that center. Beside. the 100 ft high cliff that constitutes part of the defenses manages to dissuade foreign invasions.


Auditoriums and pavilions of white marble decorate the streets Baseg On. For what is essentially a mining town, it certainly knows all of the refinements of stonework. The houses themselves are modest, especially on the outskirts of town, where the workers generally live, but the city center sports buildings of polished marble and quartz. The cliff stretching right beside the village (nicknamed Tide's Peak by the locals) is an important of both their economy and culture, as it is the main export from the city, and a wonderful playground for acrobats and athletes, who have developed a number of artistic discipline surrounding the cliff itslef, all of them deadlier than the previous ones.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Rock Shore
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Baseg Onan
Owning Organization
Related Materials


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