Northern Sister Peaks Geographic Location in Dunaterra | World Anvil
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Northern Sister Peaks

A mountain range on the northern side of Obeavos, believed to be created by the same underground fault and volcanic lines that created the Southern Sister Peaks.   Named for an ancient religious rumor, the Northern Sister Peaks are some of the tallest points in Dunaterra. Legends say that two primordial sisters once shared and ruled over the lands of Obeavos. They squabbled often, however, getting in heated wrestling matches, and pushing up the earth into mountainous peaks when they did so. This continued until the Prime Deities, in an effort to avoid any more harm to the mortals who lived in the region, struck the sisters down, leaving an empty, flat plane between the two mountain ranges.    As relatively newer mountains, they have little in the way of ancient caverns and caves, leaving mining relatively shallow and avoiding many accidental incursions into the underdark. As such, the number of monsters and aberrations found in the mines is relatively few. The lands above the surface on the mountains, however, still hold their share of beasts and monsters. Owlbears are plentiful in the peaks, with fights between them over territory not uncommon. The weather is cold, with many of the topmost points of elevation permanently above the timberline and covered in frost.   Mining in these mountains produces mainly granite, marble, and silver, though quartz and gold are also found with semi-regularity.


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